Rendering OSM data with MapServer on Ubuntu 10.10
This page provides step by step instructions to setup a Ubuntu 10.10 LTS server from scratch to render OSM data with MapServer 6.x.
The following instructions assume that we start with a brand new Ubuntu 10.10 server with Apache installed but none of the MapServer related packages installed.
The setup will include:
- MapServer 6.x (from the UbuntuGIS repository)
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS (from the UbuntuGIS repository)
- OSM data to be downloaded from
- Use of "imposm" to load the data in PostGIS:
- Map configured in EPSG:900913 projection, with data loaded for the state of Alabama only, and using a Google-like style
- MapFile generated using "mapserver-utils":
- Tile caching using MapCache: (change doc url)
Create work directory
- All the steps that follow assume that the data and mapfiles will be installed in a directory called "osm-demo" in your home directory
- Commands:
mkdir ~/osm-demo cd ~/osm-demo/
Install UbuntuGIS MapServer and PostGIS packages
- Relevant docs:
- At the time of this writing, the current version of MapServer is 6.0.1
- Commands:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cgi-mapserver mapserver-bin sudo apt-get install postgresql sudo apt-get install postgis postgresql-8.4-postgis
- Install other non-GIS packages that will be required later on:
sudo apt-get install mercurial subversion sudo apt-get install zip unzip
Download OSM data
- You can download data for your region of interest from The rest of these instructions assume that we work with the data for the state of Alabama.
- Commands:
cd ~/osm-demo/ wget
Install imposm, using virtualenv
- Relevant docs:
- Install dependencies and create python virtual env:
cd ~/osm-demo/ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev protobuf-compiler \ libprotobuf-dev libtokyocabinet-dev python-psycopg2 \ libgeos-c1 sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate
- Install shapely speedups: (shapely 1.2.11 has bugs, do not use it)
sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev pip install Shapely pip install
- Install imposm:
Note that up until recently imposm did not create the generalized tables used by the mapserver-utils mapfile. Since version 2.3.0 this is not the case anymore, so there is no need to install a forked version of imposm as was the case in the first versions of this document
pip install imposm
Create database
- Relevant docs:
- Commands:
imposm-psqldb > vi ./ # cross check if all path are set properly ... edit the following lines: -------------------8<-------------- psql -d osm -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/postgis.sql # <- CHECK THIS PATH psql -d osm -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis-1.5/spatial_ref_sys.sql # <- CHECK THIS PATH ------------------->8-------------- sudo su postgres sh ./ /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 restart exit
Load data using imposm
- Relevant docs:
- Commands:
cd ~/osm-demo/ imposm --read alabama.osm.pbf imposm --write --database osm --host localhost --user osm (... if prompted for db password, the default is osm) imposm --optimize -d osm
- Note: multiple .osm.pbf files can be loaded in separate commands using the --merge-cache argument.
Install mapserver-utils mapfile generator
- Website:
- There are two branches of the mapserver-utils project that can be used, depending on your needs:
- The trunk contains the latest and greatest developments
- The 'imposm-dm-branch' is focused on Canada/US data, and contains supports for things such as US highway shields.
- To use the 'imposm-dm-branch' from SVN:
cd ~/osm-demo/ svn checkout mapserver-utils-svn-imposm cd mapserver-utils-svn-imposm ... no files to edit, the changes listed for trunk below are already included in the imposm-dm-branch
- To use the trunk from SVN:
cd ~/osm-demo/ svn checkout mapserver-utils-svn cd mapserver-utils-svn ... Update mapserver-utils's and Makefile as follows: vi -------------------8<------------------------ WEB ... IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" END ... -------------------->8----------------------- vi Makefile -------------------8<------------------------ OSM_SRID=900913 OSM_UNITS=meters OSM_EXTENT=-20000000 -20000000 20000000 20000000 ... STYLE=google -------------------->8-----------------------
- With trunk, the STYLE parameter possible values are the keys of the style_aliases hash, which can be found in the file. For example: google
- Create MapServer temp dirs (required by mapserv CGI for testing with openlayers template)
mkdir /tmp/ms_tmp chmod 777 /tmp/ms_tmp
- Execute the mapserver-utils makefile to generate the mapfile. Note that the first time you run 'make' several large files will be downloaded (country boundaries, etc.). This will happen only the first time.
cd mapserver-utils-svn make
- The 'make' command will have generated the mapfile based on the parameters in the script (either osm-outlined,google, or osm-outlined, depending on the branch that you chose above).
- More information about tweaking the map styles is available at
- Access your map online using MapServer's built-in template=openlayers mode:
http://yourserver.tld/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/path/to/osm-demo/mapserver-utils-svn/osm-outlined,google, or http://yourserver.tld/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/path/to/osm-demo/mapserver-utils-svn/osm-outlined,
Setup MapCache
- Relevant docs:
- Required packages:
sudo apt-get install autoconf apache2-dev libpixman-1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libgdal-dev libgeos-dev
- Checkout and build source:
svn checkout mapcache-svn cd mapcache-svn autoconf ./configure make sudo make install-module sudo apache2ctl restart
- Create our own mapcache-osm.xml based on docs in sample mapcache.xml (
mkdir ~/osm-demo/mapcache cp ~/osm-demo/mapcache-svn/mapcache.xml ~/osm-demo/mapcache/mapcache-osm.xml vi ~/osm-demo/mapcache/mapcache-osm.xml ... make required changes to template to make it work with our installation: <cache name="disk" type="disk"> ... <base>/opt/osm-demo/mapcache/cache</base> ... <source name="osm" type="wms"> <http> <url>http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?</url> </http> ... <MAP>/path/to/osm-demo/mapserver-utils-svn-imposm/osm-outlined,google,</MAP> ... or ... <MAP>/path/to/osm-demo/mapserver-utils-svn/</MAP> ... <tileset name="osm"> <metadata> <title>OSM MapServer served map</title> <abstract>see</abstract> </metadata> <source>osm</source> <cache>disk</cache> <format>PNG</format> <grid>g</grid> <grid>WGS84</grid> <metatile>5 5</metatile> <expires>10000</expires> <auto_expire>86400</auto_expire> <metabuffer>10</metabuffer> </tileset>
- Create 'cache' directory writable by Apache (www-data) user
mkdir ~/osm-demo/mapcache/cache sudo chown www-data ~/osm-demo/mapcache/cache/
- Add directives to Apache config:
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default ... add the following lines to the end of the default VirtualHost (update the '/path/to/' directory name): <IfModule mapcache_module> MapCacheAlias /mapcache "/path/to/osm-demo/mapcache/mapcache-osm.xml" </IfModule>
- And restart apache for the changes to take effect:
sudo apache2ctl restart
- Ready to test server, see URL docs at
- Demo site at http://yourserver.tld/mapcache/demo/
- TMS service available at http://yourserver.tld/mapcache/tms/1.0.0/
- Test using the sample OpenLayers app to test TMS:
- URL of TMS (Should end in /): http://yourserver.tld/mapcache/tms/
- layer_name: osm@g
- Format: PNG
- ... and hit submit. You should see a browsable map of the world. If not then check your Apache error logs for errors.
- You can optionally run the cache seeder, see:
Last modified
12 years ago
Last modified on 03/23/12 07:54:54
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