
The boundary.tar.gz is not available because I can't upload it. It is not required for the script to work, only to run the example. -sw

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 2002, Lowell Filak.
# You may distribute this file under the terms of the Artistic
# License.
# Given a shapefile name, a coordinate, & an item name
#   this routine will select a shape,
#   select all the shapes with the same item value, & create a shapefile of
#   the selected shape(s).
# Required modules are mapscript (installed as part of make install),
#   Getopt (normally included with Perl) & XBase.
#   Please download boundary.tar.gz also, and:
#     tar -xf boundary.tar.gz --ungzip
#   Note: The suggested run assumes a pick point on a 600x600 image.
# Suggested run method = ./ -file=boundary -coorx=372 -coory=115 -item=loc_name
use mapscript;
use Getopt::Long;
use XBase;
# Retrieve the input values.
GetOptions('file=s' => \$file, 'coorx=s' => \$coorx, 'coory=s' => \$coory, 'item=s' => \$item);
# Check the input values.
if ( (!$file) || (!$coorx) || (!$coory) || (!$item) ) {
  print "Syntax: -file=[filename] -coorx=[x_coordinate] -coory=[y_coordinate] -item=[item_name]\n";
  exit 0;
# Upcase the item name.
$item = uc $item;
# Create mapfile name.
my $mapfile = $file . '.map';
# Open map using default map file.
my $map = new mapObj("$mapfile") or die('Unable to Open Default MapFile!');
# Subtract one pixel.
# Why is this done?: I don't directly recall but I think it has to do with
#   mapextents starting at a positive integer while image starts at 0,0.
$imgx = $map->{width} - 1;
$imgy = $map->{height} - 1;
# Find the extents of the map.
$minx = $map->{extent}->{minx};
$miny = $map->{extent}->{miny};
$maxx = $map->{extent}->{maxx};
$maxy = $map->{extent}->{maxy};
# Caculate a delta x & delta y.
$dx = $maxx - $minx;
$dy = $maxy - $miny;
# Divide delta x & y by pixel extents to find factor x & y.
$fctrx = $dx / $imgx;
$fctry = $dy / $imgy;
# Adjust to real world coordinates.
$coorx = $coorx * $fctrx;
$coory = $coory * $fctry;
$coorx = $coorx + $minx;
$coory = $maxy - $coory;
# Create point object for pick query.
$pnt = new pointObj();
$pnt->{x} = $coorx;
$pnt->{y} = $coory;
# Print the point coordinates.
print "Selecting Using Point Coordinates: x=$coorx y=$coory\n";
# Get layer for boundary query.
#   Note: Most of this is already set in the mapfile and is here for sample
#         only.
my $lyr = $map->getLayerByName("$file") or die('Unable to Open Boundary Layer!');
$lyr->{status} = $mapscript::MS_ON;
$lyr->{type} = $mapscript::MS_LAYER_POLYGON;
$lyr->{data} = "$file";
# Query the layer using the created point.
# Create a resultcache object to see how many results.
my $rsltcache = $lyr->{resultcache};
# How many matches did we find.
print "Found $rsltcache->{numresults} Result.\n";
# Grab the first result (there should only be one).
my $rslt = $lyr->getResult(0);
# What is the shape number.
my $record = $rslt->{shapeindex};
# Print the shape number.
print "The Query Found Shape #$record.\n";
# Query the dbf for the item matching records.
#   Note: The routine is written to utilize dbf files as they originally are.
#         Normally you would want to at least add a record number field to the
#         dbf file so you could use the DBI & DBD::XBase modules to query
#         the db. You could also load the dbf data into an dbms and use
#         the DBI & DBD::x modules to query once the record number field
#         exists.
# Open the db handle.
my $dbh = new XBase "$file" or die XBase->errstr;
# What is the number of the key field.
my @names = $dbh->field_names;
# How many fields are there.
my $fldcnt = $dbh->last_field;
# Set the field number to initially 0.
my $fieldnum = 0;
# Loop through the fields and find the one we want.
for ($field=0; $field<=$fldcnt; $field++){
  # Is this the field we were looking for.
  if ( $names[$field] eq $item ) {
    # If so then exit loop.
    $fieldnum = $field;
    # Print the field number.
    print "The Key Item is Field #$fieldnum.\n";
   else {
    # Fall through.
# Grab the key record & the key item value.
my @row = $dbh->get_record_nf($record, $fieldnum) or die $dbh->errstr;
# What is the value for the key item.
my $value = $row[1];
# Print the key item value for the key record.
print "The Value of $item for Shape #$record = $value.\n";
# Start the number of results at 0.
my $results = 0;
# Open the selection set shapefile.
#   Note: There is a way to obtain a selection set without saving to a
#         shapefile, however due to the type of data I am accustomed to,
#         by writing to a shapefile, a type of shapefile cache can be setup.
#         By naming all shapefiles in a particular directory in a way
#         that allows them to be reopened for any repetitious queries
#         the actual work of the query can be bypassed.
my $shapesel = new shapefileObj('selected',$mapscript::MS_SHAPEFILE_POLYGON);
# Open the existing shapefile for grabbing the found shapes out of.
my $shapefile = new shapefileObj("$file",-1);
# Loop through each record (there are experimental modules for using indexes
#   available according to xbase man page).
for ($record=0; $record<$dbh->last_record; $record++){
  # Grab the record.
  my @row = $dbh->get_record($record, "$item") or die $dbh->errstr;
  # Is the record marked for deletion.
  my $deleted = $row[0];
  if ( $deleted == 1 ) {
    # If so then skip it.
   else {
    # Fall through.
  # Set the value for the search field.
  my $fndvalue = $row[1];
  # Does the value from the field match the value for the key record.
  if ( "$fndvalue" ne "$value" ) {
    # If not skip it.
   else {
    # Fall through.
  # Print the found record information.
  print "Record #$record Matches with a Value of $fndvalue - good thing :-)\n";
  # Increment the results counter.
  $results = $results + 1;
  # Create the shape object for holding the found shapes.
  my $shape = new shapeObj(-1);
  # Grab shape #$record and stick it into the shape holder.
  $shapefile->get($record - 1, $shape);
  # Add that shape to the selection set shapefile.
# Close the new shapefile.
undef $shapesel;
# Create dbf to go with it.
my $newdbh = $dbh->create("name" => "selected.dbf");
# Reopen the selected set shapefile.
$shapesel = new shapefileObj("selected", -1);
# Get the extent of selected set.
$newrect = $shapesel->{bounds};
$newminx = $newrect->{minx};
$newmaxx = $newrect->{maxx};
$newminy = $newrect->{miny};
$newmaxy = $newrect->{maxy};
$numseld = $shapesel->{numshapes};
undef $shapesel;
# Print the extents.
print "The Extents of the Selected Set: minx=$newminx miny=$newminy maxx=$newmaxx maxy=$newmaxy.\n";
# Print the number of selected records.
print "The Number of Selected Shapes = $numseld.\n";

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