Opened 23 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#77 closed defect (wontfix)

PHP MAPSCRIPT - Intermittent crash with msLoadMap()

Reported by: dmorissette Owned by: dmorissette
Priority: highest Milestone:
Component: MapScript-PHP Version: 4.1
Severity: normal Keywords:


From:         "Richard Barahona"

Hello Daniel,
J'ai quelques petits problemes avec Mapserver sur Linux. L'erreur suivante se 
produit aléatoirement lorsque je zoome, fais une recherche, etc...

Warning: MapServer Error in msLoadMap(): ():(0) in 
/path/to/NeapoljsSvrPage.phtml on line 49

Fatal error: Failed to open map file in 
/path/to/NeapoljsSvrPage.phtml on line 49
Le mapfile existe et les autorisations d'accès sont correctes puisque la carte 
est tout de même régulièrement affichée.
J'ai configuré Mapserver et mascript ainsi:
./configure --with-php=../php-4.0.5 --with-apache=../apache_1.3.20 
--with-ogr=../gdal-1.1.5 --with-gd=../gd-1.8.4
Voici ce que me donne phpinfo(); (version php 4.0.5) :
MapScript Version (Spet 13, 2001)
MapServer version 3.5 (pre-alpha) OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP 
As-tu une idée ?
Merci d'avance. Salutations.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by dmorissette, 23 years ago

Priority: highhighest
Richard already wrote to you. We seem to have the same problem as Gert-Jan van 
der Weijden (you responded to him about it), where after 3-4 zooms we get the 
message "Failed to open map file" on Linux with Apache (the same code works on 
Windows) ...

- the sample application works ...
- what would you need from us to be able to drill down the problem ?
- Do you have any new ideas on that ? 
- Anyway, we may try to use another web-server as Gert-Jan said it would work 

comment:2 by dmorissette, 21 years ago

dependson: 349

comment:3 by dmorissette, 21 years ago

Version: 3.54.1
Possibly related to bug 349, should be addressed at same time in version 4.1

comment:4 by dmorissette, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Let's close as WONTFIX since this is a very old issue that we haven't heard of
in a while and was very likely fixed by other thread safety work.
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