Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#2334 closed defect (fixed)

ShapeObj->project doesn't re-project Shapes created from WKT

Reported by: stoeckmann Owned by: warmerdam
Priority: normal Milestone: 5.0.1 release
Component: MapScript-PHP Version: 4.10
Severity: critical Keywords: ShapeObj project ms_shapeObjFromWkt
Cc: assefa, hobu


ShapeObj->project doesn't re-project when ShapeObj was created using ms_shapeObjFromWkt(), although ShapeObj->project method returns MS_TRUE.

This won't work:

$etrs32 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=9,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=2500000"); $etrs33 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=15,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=3500000");

$Shp = ms_shapeObjFromWkt("POINT(3383442 5933645)"); $Shp2->Project($etrs33,$etrs32); print $Shp2->toWkt();

RETURNS: "POINT (3383442.0000000000000000 5933645.0000000000000000)" (these are the source coordinates, not the destination ones)

But this works:

$etrs32 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=9,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=2500000"); $etrs33 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=15,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=3500000");

$Line = ms_newLineObj(); $Line->addXY(3383442,5933645); $Shp2 = ms_newShapeObj(0); $Shp2->add($Line); $Shp2->Project($etrs33,$etrs32); print $Shp2->toWkt();

RETURNS CORRECTLY: "POINT (2780993.2288354267366230 5940576.6376133039593697)"

Change History (3)

comment:1 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Milestone: 4.10.3 release5.0.1 release
Owner: changed from maikstoeckmann@… to warmerdam
Status: newassigned

Working to reproduce this problem using python mapscript but getting messed up in GEOS stuff. Migrating to 5.0.1.

comment:2 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

Cc: assefa hobu added
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed


I have built PHP MapScript against MapScript 5 and the script seems to work. In particular I use:



$etrs32 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=9,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=2500000"); 
$etrs33 = ms_newProjectionObj("proj=tmerc,lon_0=15,ellps=GRS80,k=0.9996,units=m,datum=WGS84,x_0=3500000");

$Shp = ms_shapeObjFromWkt("POINT(3383442 5933645)"); 


print $Shp->toWkt();


and I get:

POINT (2780993.228835426736623 5940576.63761330395937)

Perhaps this was fixed since you ran into the problem? I don't think we are still doing point releases on 4.10.x so I think the answer is "appears to work in 5.0". Please reopen if you can reproduce on 5.0.

comment:3 by warmerdam, 17 years ago

It turns out this report is a duplicate of #2107 which was fixed.

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