Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#1599 closed defect (duplicate)

[OGC-FILTER] : problem with bounds projection

Reported by: assefa Owned by: mapserverbugs
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: WFS Server Version: 4.8
Severity: normal Keywords:


We need input from Assefa on this problem. I was looking through the source 
and the WFS filter code doesn't alway use the msQueryBy... functions. Don't 
know why but I can guess- especially with attribute queries because you need 
to transform the XML filter into a connection specific query format. Which 
means Assefa is doing   those by hand in mapogcfilter.c.

What's certain is that the result set for WFS attribute queries is not exactly 
like point/shape/rect queries and that's causing the issue.



>>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" <> 01/04/06 2:31 PM >>>

I hear you.

Very weird.  No caching or anything like that going on.

Okay global gml:boundedBy:

Screwed up global gml:boundedBy:

I'm guessing it's not the data.  The featureMember reprojects fine.  The
gml:boundedBy of the featureMember reprojects fine.
What gives?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Lime [] Sent: Wednesday, 
January 04, 2006 3:18 PM
> To: Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
> Subject: RE: [UMN_MAPSERVER-DEV] WFS GetFeature response globalboundingbox 
> I can't see how that can happen off the top of my head. Once out of the 
underlying datastore all features are marshalled into shapeObj's and treated 
the same. The shapes do not carry reference to their original source.
> Is there any chance there is some caching going on?
> Steve
>>>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" <>        
> 01/04/06 11:33  
>>>> AM >>>
> Yes, beyond that.  This latest test against your latest commit/fix.  It 
seems to work for PostGIS native data, but not shapefiles.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:    UMN MapServer Developers List on behalf of Steve Lime
> Sent:    Wed 04-Jan-06 12:01
> Subject:    Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-DEV] WFS GetFeature response globalbounding 
box issue
> Beyond the fact that I committed that fix to CVS?
>>>> "Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]" <Tom.Kralidis@EC.GC.CA>        
> 01/04/06 7:48 AM  
> Hi,
> Any comments on the issue below?
> Thanks
> ..Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: UMN MapServer Developers List
>> [mailto:MAPSERVER-DEV@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
>> Sent: Friday, December 30, 2005 12:21 PM
GetFeature response globalbounding box issue
>> @(#&&
>> I just tried this on another dataset in my WFS and get back
>> the root boundedBy element in native coordinates rather than that 
advertised by the WFS:
> E=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&outputFormat=GML3>
> &TYPENAME=canadwshed&Filter=%3cFilter%3e%3cPropertyIsEqualTo%3
>> e%3cPropertyName%3eWSHED%3c/PropertyName%3e%3cLiteral%3e01A01%
>> 3c/Literal%3e%3c/PropertyIsEqualTo%3e%3c/Filter%3e
>> Native datatype: shp/shx/dbf
>> Native projection of data: 42304
>> WFS SRS: 4326
>> whereas this works okay:
> E=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&outputFormat=GML3>
> &TYPENAME=canadwscssda&Filter=%3CFilter%3E%3CPropertyIsEqualTo
>> %3E%3CPropertyName%3EWSCSDA%3C/PropertyName%3E%3CLiteral%3E01B
>> %3C/Literal%3E%3C/PropertyIsEqualTo%3E%3C/FILTER%3E&
>> Native datatype: PostGIS
>> Native projection of data: 42304
>> WFS SRS: 4326
>> Any ideas?
>> ..Tom

Change History (1)

comment:1 by assefa, 19 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

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