Project Steering Committee - Home
Meeting Info ¶
This meeting of the MapGuide PSC takes place Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 20:00 UTC (4:00 PM Eastern / 2:00pm Mountain).
Meeting Chair:
PSC Local Times:
Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at #mapguide
Agenda ¶
- Appoint a Meeting Secretary
- Ticket #1647 (Zac)
- RFC 111 (Zac)
- RFC 69 (Zac)
- Resourcing and funding for automated builds (Trevor)
- NUnit versus JUnit for Web Extensions testing (Trevor)
- Target platforms for MapGuide 2.3 (Trevor)
- General discussion on Sponsorship (Trevor)
- GeoREST (Zac)
- Disqus to Wiki (Zac)
Minutes ¶
PSC Members present: Bob, Bruce, Tom, Haris, Jackie, Zac, Trevor
Ticket #1647 ¶
The King.Oracle Provider is a key component to the 2.2 Release. Hold back the release until ticket is addressed.
RFC 111 ¶
SVN-enabled directories for Fusion and Ajax should be included in the installer as an option. A new installer screen should be added to prompt the user as to whether or not the SVN directories should be installed.
RFC 69 ¶
Not discussed.
Resourcing and funding for automated builds ¶
Amazon EC2 should be investigated as an option for build infrastructure. Build automation is not required at this time.
ACTION: Trevor to investigate Amazon EC2 as an option.
NUnit versus JUnit for Web Extensions testing ¶
Verification of all three API languages would be preferred. Build automation has been put on hold.
Target platforms for MapGuide 2.3 ¶
Current platform support (Ubuntu) should be improved before introducing new platforms.
ACTION: Zac and Trevor to perform test compilation on Ubuntu 10 (gcc 4.4) 32 bit and 64 bit (time permitting)
General discussion on Sponsorship ¶
Not discussed.
Not discussed.
Disqus to Wiki ¶
Information is easily lost in the mailing lists. A commenting plugin for Trac (Disqus) would be useful.
ACTION: Zac to check with SAC on including Disqus
Full transcript ¶
* Now talking in #MapGuide * Topic is 'MapGuide Open Source | Home: | Bugs: | See Also: #OSGeo #FDO | Stats: ects/4656 -and-' * Set by unknown on Thu May 29 13:24:17 * zac has joined #MapGuide * BruceD has joined #MapGuide <zac> morning! <BruceD> hello everyone <trevorw> Good morning Zac, good afternoon Bruce * rbray has joined #MapGuide <trevorw> Zac, will Jackie be able to join? <trevorw> Hi Bob <zac> yep <rbray> Hi Trevor, just so you know I am in a meeting that is running over I will be here 100% when I can * jng has joined #MapGuide <trevorw> Haris and Paul indicated that they should be able to make it. Let's wait another minute or two. <jng> It's 2003 all over again. The last time I actually remembered how to use irc :P <zac> feels like winter in melbourne at this time, brrrr, i'll be cognitive after this coffee kicks in <trevorw> Does anyone have any agenda items to add? Time permitting, I would like to add NUnit and/or JUnit for web extensions unit testing. <zac> rfc 111 <zac> rfc 69 <zac> georest <zac> adding disqus to the wiki <jng> #1647 being a 2.2 blocker * tomf_ has joined #MapGuide <trevorw> Ok. That's a big agenda. I can do minutes. Let me do a quick ordering of the agenda items. <trevorw> Is everyone ok with this order: #1647, RFC 111, RFC 69, Resourcing/Funding Automated Builds, NUnit/JUnit, Target Platforms for 2.3, General Sponsorship Discussion, GeoREST, Disqus to Wiki <BruceD> sure <zac> <trevorw> The description sounds serious to me. <zac> the fix is to select from dual instead of the source table, i think it's a simple fix <BruceD> Definitely needs fixing <jng> Not <jng> mapguide's fault but shipping a provider with this serious defect is bad <zac> fyi: we discovered it using whilst monitoring the logs using baretail for windows <trevorw> So any spatial extents call will basically lock up the provider? <jng> Yes <jng> Well, let's qualify that <jng> Spatial Extents call on any Oracle table of sufficient size (let's say > 1k rows) <jng> because that's how many MBRs we get back (the same one too!) <trevorw> Yep. That's serious. +1 to hold release. Do we need another release candidate? <zac> ennoble will test it, i think we can skip a RC <trevorw> Sounds good. I can roll the provider binaries into the final build. <BruceD> eta on when this will be fixed? <jng> haris could tell us, we emailed him a detailed solution for the problem <BruceD> hopefully soon as this release has been delay long enough <zac> while we are waiting, here's the results of the survey (link removed) <trevorw> Haris is having trouble with IRC (new PC) * HarisK has joined #MapGuide <HarisK> hi, sorry for being late <trevorw> Hi Haris, we are discussing <HarisK> I read email and quickly looked at code and unitests <HarisK> don't have answer, but i believe i should be able to do it tommorow <trevorw> Perfect! Sounds like we should hold the 2.2 release for it. <trevorw> +1 wait for 1647 <zac> +1 <jng> +1 <BruceD> +1 <HarisK> +1 <trevorw> Next agenda item RFC 111 <trevorw> Zac, can you give us an update? <zac> <zac> so there's been discussions on users and internals <zac> i ran the survery <zac> (link removed) <zac> 29 responses, most users know subversion <zac> 78% are in favour of this approach <zac> plus the main developer for fusion <zac> a few people want zip files or a exe installer which only does basic merging <zac> i would suggest the other options require more work and are not as complete, nothing blocks the other solutions being implemented <trevorw> if we go with this approach i would personally prefer to keep the .svn directories out of the installers and release an .svn zip file along with the installers. <zac> in addtion, we require any patches as subversions diffs, why expect our users not to enjoy the same ease of use <tomf_> What's the reason for keeping the .svn files out of the installers? Security? <zac> it can be an install flag, on be default i'd suggest <HarisK> .svn files would be some option to install ? users will have option of "plain" install without need to hear about svn ? <trevorw> it doubles the size of the install set. I suspect there would be no security issues. <zac> even if the users don't use svn, it makes no impact on use.. we can add a rule to block .svn dirs via apache <jng> Modding the wix installer would be a PITA (it prefers install features grouped by directories) .svn directories being all over the shop is a bit of a monkey wrench. Doesn't mean it's impossible tho <tomf_> My preference is to install them (no option not to) if size is the only concern. <zac> text files compress well :) <jng> What's the scope of retaining .svn directories? <trevorw> one quick question - does svn care about the root directory structure? the installed web directory structure is not the same as oem/fusion + web/src <jng> I'm just sampling the .svn size of the stuff we want to retain svn awareness (mapadmin/mapviewernet/mapviewerphp/mapviewerjsp/schemareport/stdicons/viewerfiles) <zac> we can drop a .svn folder in the root web dir with only certain directories under svn <jng> The combined size of these .svn dirs is negligible <HarisK> i understand .svn files as developers stuff and I think that we would need just standard user installation of MG <trevorw> the proposal is to include the .svn directories in the installer (please correct me if i am wrong) <jng> yes <tomf_> Users who don't want to use .svn can ignore them. Developers can use them. <jng> non-svn users won't notice any difference <zac> this RFC will really help the project, allowing us to release more often (tm) <trevorw> other questions? are we ok to vote? <HarisK> we have couple of larger enterprise customers and there is no way we could update there trough .svn and i don't think their admin would like it either <HarisK> just my 2 cents <jng> I assume MGE uses a separate installer packaging process <zac> ok, but then you simply don't use it? <tomf_> I doubt that MGE would install the .svn files <zac> shall we vote? <trevorw> hmm... some admins might not like the extra stuff hanging around. An installer optioned turned off by default? <HarisK> MGE ? I ment larger companies which uses MG OS <zac> on by default <HarisK> and admins in those companies don't like some extra stuff <HarisK> yes trewor, that was my point <jng> Is the attack surface being expanded by including .svn directories? Is this the concern? <HarisK> sorry for name typo, Trevor <trevorw> i think it's a FUD argument. don't know what it is, don't like it. <zac> @jng no because it's open source and we can hide them via webserver rules <trevorw> how about .svn option off by default - this is current behaviour. <zac> but most users like this feature, fussy admins can disable it <jng> that's acceptable for me. It's just one check of the tickbox. We're not all *that* lazy! <trevorw> 3rd party ISVs may have their own copy of the web directories under their own svn (or other version control) tree as well. <tomf_> I haven't been convinced to move from my original position of installign them. We could provide a script for those few who want to remove them <HarisK> we do a lot of development but still, I really can't see us updating MG trough svn on working customer site <HarisK> I can see doing that on test/development sites <zac> those 3rd parties are already doing post install mods <BruceD> @Haris agree <trevorw> sounds like svn dirs are useful for dev/test machines only. option off by default? <zac> most installs are dev test anyway right? target the base <zac> every production server i maintain, code is deployed only thru subversion <rbray> personally I'd never use this on a production server, dev/test servers yea it's a great idea <zac> so lets make it a individual installer screen? <rbray> but I am fine with the concept of an option in the installer - don't really care which way it defaults <trevorw> installer option off by default to maintain existing behaviour? <trevorw> and I like the separate screen idea. <HarisK> +1 <BruceD> +1 <rbray> +1 <trevorw> +1 <jng> +1 <zac> +1 <tomf_> +0 <trevorw> Do we have time for another agenda item? <zac> we can gauge the feedback during RC's on the default option <HarisK> i have time <zac> yep <BruceD> I can stay <jng> sure <zac> let's talk builds next? <trevorw> was next up <trevorw> We can goto build next if you like zac <zac> i think if we have time constraints, builds are more important <trevorw> Ok. Resourcing / Funding for Automated builds <zac> my thoughts on the linux builds is, lets fix the builds rather than support so many platform builds? <zac> 90% plus of cloud servers run ubuntu right? <trevorw> Yes. We currently support CentOS/RHEL 5 and Ubuntu 9. Ubuntu 10 is problematic with 2.2 due to 3rd party dependencies. 2.3 may be better. <zac> is the GSC work salavageable? <trevorw> I believe Bruce may have looked at it as part of the 3rd party upgrades in 2.3. <trevorw> (berkeley db/xml mostly) <zac> vs2010 support comes in there as well right? <BruceD> that is lots more work <BruceD> 2010 compiler support that is <BruceD> 2010 ide is not an issue <trevorw> bruce - do you know if oem compiles with gcc 4.4? (Ubuntu 10, RHEL 6) <zac> perhaps a 3.0 goal, we should just push 2.3 out soon... <BruceD> dont know have not tried those distros <zac> i'm on 10.10 64-bit here currently, haven't tried a build tho <trevorw> ok. native gcc 4.4 would be good for Ubuntu. 64 bit linux would be good too. For timelines, I was thinking september for MG 2.3 to put us in the running for FOSS4G 2011 <trevorw> i guess we will have to perform test compiles on those platforms to see how close we are. <zac> are all 2.3 RFC's completed? <zac> quickplot has already bled into 2.3 <zac> i mean snuck into 2.2 <trevorw> Build question - do we want automated builds? <trevorw> zac, can you and I take test builds for Linux platform support as a task item for next meeting? <zac> sure <trevorw> Ok. Great. that should put us in better shape to answer the platforms question. <trevorw> For automated builds - do we want to expend the effort to do them? <zac> only needed for server/api mods, i'd suggest occasional builds, less problems... i.e. an RFC is completed <trevorw> Yes. They do not have to be daily. Should they be automated? <trevorw> (ie. not built by hand) <zac> i'd say it's your call trevor, as your doing the work.. <trevorw> True. OTX Systems has about $10k invested in hardware and software licenses and another $4k/year in ISP fees. <trevorw> without additional resources/funding, it will be difficult for me to provide build automation. <trevorw> I've been looking into corporate sponsorship for MGOS. But I do not believe we (the PSC) have decided where to allocate any funding we get. <tomf_> Has there been any investigation in looking at cloud solutions for compiling? It seems that would reduce the hardware costs at least. <trevorw> Did a quick compare with Connectria. $9k/year for the VMs we are running. <trevorw> (6 VMs, 225GB disk, 7GB ram) <trevorw> Hardware + software is half, ISP is the other half. <zac> how come a normal ADSL wouldn't suffice? <zac> (updated with votes and the optional installer info) <trevorw> a typical ADSL line is only 1 Mbit/sec (100 kbytes/sec). That would only handle one VPN user for the builds. Builds downloads would be very slow. <trevorw> (20+ minutes for an installer exe) <trevorw> If we are not doing regular builds, and there is no build collaboration, a 1 Mbit line might be workable. <zac> s3 is always an option for downloads, 10c a gig for t/f - 14c for storage <tomf_> With something like Amazon Web Service, there is the option of running the VMs only when they are required; no paying when they aren't required. If we are only doing builds once in a while that could save on costs. <zac> ennoble will host on s3 <zac> the hardware exists already? <tomf_> S3 is good, also posting onto the download site on would work wouldn't it? <trevorw> Yes. The hardware is in my basement. The VMs are already set up. I already have a ~5Mbit line. <trevorw> A build mirror would work. Nightly (even weekly) builds would be too much volume for OSGeo. <zac> using amazon cloudfront is an option, dead simple CDN mirror <trevorw> The hardware should be ok for another year. <jng> wrt frequency I like zac's suggestion of occasional builds <jng> It'd be like preview releases for Maestro <zac> on sponsorship, how about adding an info/support the project page to the installer? <jng> installer ui or start menu/desktop links? <zac> definately not on the desktop, otherwise yes <trevorw> should I write up an RFC on using sponsorship funding for builds infrastructure? <jng> I think there's a perception problem <jng> I think most users think free as in beer instead of free as in speech <jng> We need to drive home the point that Open Source != a free lunch <trevorw> I can detail the hardware/software/isp costs for doing the builds in the rfc <trevorw> do we want to estimate person time to maintain the builds? <rbray> trevor, I also think Tom's idea of using Amazon on demand instances is a good one to explore <trevorw> bob, does Amazon support Windows images? <rbray> yes <zac> yep, twice the price of linux instances <rbray> still for a 2 hour build it's cheap <rbray> and no hardware to maintain <rbray> ISP costs <rbray> etc <zac> using an ebs image you just fire it up as required, only pay for the storage of the ebs volume <trevorw> If we are only doing sporadic builds, it would work. The personnel cost to set it up could be signficant depending on the level of automation. <trevorw> Does Amazon offer backup? <rbray> even if you build twice a week or even daily - I think it would save big $$$ <zac> yep, snapshots are available <trevorw> No. Not snapshots. Backup on separate disk. <HarisK> I am using amazon for MapGuide on Windows and have very positive experience <zac> you can copy the images to another EBS volume or on s3 <trevorw> I think it can take anywhere from 1 to 3 days to set up a single build VM (install software, etc). <trevorw> I will look into Amazon. <zac> i'm not sure if it helps, but as a MS partner, i have a free copy of 2008 server we could use, not sure if BYO makes EC2 cheaper or if my license allows it <trevorw> OTX Systems has already purchased a Win 2008 Server and Win 2008 Web license for the build infrastructure. <zac> ok, shall we move on to junit v nunit? <trevorw> Ok. If we were going to do build automation with Cruise Control (java or .net), there is native support for running unit tests with junit or nunit. <trevorw> Which would be preferable if we were going to rewrite the web extensions unit tests? <BruceD> Either one would work for me <jng> .net/nunit for me <trevorw> Do we also need to run the unit tests on both Windows and Linux? <zac> preferrably <BruceD> Doing this helps validate on both platforms <jng> I assume we're testing the robustness of the web extensions regardless of wrapper language and not the wrapper itself? <zac> (aside: go Jackie on the recent response on the mailing list) <trevorw> both - the wrapper is a fair bit of generated code and their are platform differences. Perhaps we need both nunit and junit for better coverage? <zac> would it help to have a php/.net/.jsp page which runs the tests in their own language? <trevorw> Then we need to install and configure a webserver too. nunit/junit could run out of the box without it. <trevorw> maybe use nunit on Windows as the primary "unit test platform" and port the tests to junit/linux time permitting? <jng> Is a webserver necessary? <trevorw> webserver is not required for junit/nunit <jng> MG API is usable outside the webserver provided webconfig.ini/MgInitializeWebTier setup is performed before doing anything <trevorw> ok. sounds like we would prefer coverage for all three api languages. <trevorw> should we bump the rest of the agenda items to the next meeting? <zac> just very quickly, any thoughts on the disqus for the wiki/doco ? <zac> similiar to what adobe does <zac> bb49-7fc4.html <trevorw> are we replacing trac? <zac> it's just a js plugin which allows commenting <zac> like 10 lines of template code <zac> stuff get's lost on the mailing list rather quickly <trevorw> we would probably have to get OSGeo SAC to approve it if we wanted to use it. <trevorw> agree with the mailing list comment... <zac> i think it would be good to capture doco requests <HarisK> just a late remark on build/test topic, sorry i was out of office <BruceD> I'm fine with it and agree with the mailing list issue <HarisK> that we don't put much more effort into build-test-integration toools <BruceD> Anyways sorry I have to run <HarisK> while it seems development rate is quite low recently <BruceD> Nice chatting with you all again :) <HarisK> thanks <trevorw> thanks bruce <BruceD> Bye * BruceD Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.14/20101001172330]) <zac> an example rampians-National-Park see the comments tab <zac> @Harris I agree * jng Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) * jng has joined #MapGuide <zac> do we really need to ping the SAC to include javascript on our wiki pages? <trevorw> i do not know. does trac allow javascript to be embedded? <jng> @zac, It does sound like an OSGeo infrastructure problem <zac> dunno, we use jira for work... it's just templates right... Jackie you've played with trac before? * rbray Quit <zac> ok, i'll follow that up with the SAC <trevorw> Ok. shall we adjourn? <HarisK> I need to go as well <HarisK> thank you all <trevorw> thanks haris <HarisK> and thanks for organising it <jng> thanks from me too <zac> cheers Trevor et al! <trevorw> cheers!