
MapGuide RFC 93 - Official Project Logo

This page contains an change request (RFC) for the MapGuide Open Source project. More MapGuide RFCs can be found on the RFCs page.


RFC Template Version(1.0)
Submission DateJune 8, 2010 22:10
Last ModifiedTrevor Wekel (June 13, 2010 19:00)
AuthorTrevor Wekel
RFC Statusproposed
Implementation Statuspending
Proposed Milestone2.2
Assigned PSC guide(s)Trevor Wekel
Voting History(vote date)
no vote Jason, Bob, Bruce, Tom, Haris, Jackie, Paul, Zac, Trevor


Adopt an official logo for MapGuide Open Source


We need a logo for the LiveDVD.

Proposed Solution

A logo will be adopted using the following process:

June 9 to June 20: Logo characteristics discussion on -internals and -users

What specific logo characteristics would you like to see, and how do they relate back to MapGuide Open Source?

June 20 to July 18: Logo proposals accepted

  • Accept any and all proposed logos from the community.
  • Candidate logos must meet the OSGeo guidelines
    • Recognizable as a 32x32 XPM image
    • Recognizable as 48x48 PNG
    • Transparent background color (not white)
    • Available as an SVG vector for large format printing
  • Logos should be posted to -internals and added to RFC 93.

July 19: PSC vote on proposed logos

  • There must be at least three logos contributed to vote, preferably more.
  • The winning logo should be selected based on characteristics related to MapGuide Open Source.
  • PSC members can vote +0 or +1 for any or all logos.
  • A minimum "+4" vote must be obtained for a logo to be adopted.
  • If more than one logo gets a "+4", The logo with the highest "+" rating will be accepted. In case of a tie, Bob will choose the winning logo.

Logo Proposals

For viewing purposes, please submit logos as 32x32, 48x48, and 300x300 png images.

Logo Description 32 by 32
48 by 48
300 by 300
Logo 1 "The Fish"
Donated by Autodesk
Fish Logo 32x32 Fish Logo 300x300
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on 06/13/10 18:07:17
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