Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of MapGuideRfc85

Sep 8, 2009, 1:10:14 PM (15 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc85

    v1 v1  
     1= !MapGuide RFC 85 - Add SQLite as a load procedure type =
     3This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project.
     4More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page.
     7== Status ==
     9||RFC Template Version||(1.0)||
     10||Submission Date||(Date/Time submitted)||
     11||Last Modified||Tom Fukushima [[Timestamp]]||
     12||Author||Tom Fukushima||
     13||RFC Status||'''draft''', proposed, frozen for vote, adopted, retracted, or rejected||
     14||Implementation Status||'''pending''', under development, completed||
     15||Proposed Milestone||2.1||
     16||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Tom Fukushima||
     17||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)||
     18||+1|| ||
     22||no vote|| ||
     24== Overview ==
     26Add an SQLite load procedure type to the !LoadProcedure schema.
     28== Motivation ==
     30We need a way to get SQLite files uploaded to server; one way to do this is to upload the SQLite file(s) to the repository in a way similar to SDF and SHP files using load procedures.
     32== Proposed Solution ==
     34To remain consistent with SDF and SHP, we will use the !LoadProcedure resource to store information about how to upload SQLite files to the repository.  Client programs can then use this information to produce reproducible loads of client data.
     36The !LoadProcedure schema will be revisioned to !LoadProcedure-2.1.0.xsd and SQLiteLoadProcedure will be added to !LoadProcedureTypeType:
     40== Implications ==
     42Old load procedures (1.0.0 and 1.1.0) can still be stored in the repository.
     44Installer will need to install the new schema?
     46== Test Plan ==
     48Store and retrieve a !LoadProcedure using the 2.1.0 schema into the repository.
     50== Funding/Resources ==
     52Autodesk to supply resources.