3D features containing invalid (null) Z values are not always displayed correctly in 2D
It's possible for users to create 3D features that have points with null Z values. Oracle, for example, allows you to store such data even though technically it's invalid. When FDO reads these points the invalid Z's come back as large values (-1.25e126). For regular polylines / polygons, these spurious Z values don't impact their display in 2D - z's are ignored. But if the points are part of an arc segment then it will impact the 2D display. That's because 3D arcs are tessellated in the plane of the arc (the plane defined by its three 3D points), and the resulting tessellated points are projected back into the 2D space. So if one or more of the arc's z-values is bad (-1.25e126) it will affect the tessellation and corrupt the display.
Fixed in the 2.1 branch stream with submission https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/changeset/3875.