Opened 16 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#739 closed defect (fixed)

Better failure description for WFS service

Reported by: ksgeograf Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Feature Service Version: 2.0.2
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


When a FeatureSource is exposed as WFS, it must function, otherwise the "GetCapabilitites" call fails. This should be fixed, and the error should be logged, and the feature removed from the GetCapabilitites response.

The currently logged message should be improved to include the resourceId of the failed featuresource. Currently I get this:

<2008-10-27T13:43:42>	WfsUser
 Error: An exception occurred in FDO component.
        Connect failed: 
  - MgFeatureServiceHandler.ProcessOperation line 83 file d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_30.6\mgdev\server\src\services\feature\FeatureServiceHandler.cpp
  - MgOpDescribeSchema.Execute line 105 file d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_30.6\mgdev\server\src\services\feature\OpDescribeSchema.cpp
  - MgServerDescribeSchema.DescribeSchema line 545 file d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_30.6\mgdev\server\src\services\feature\ServerDescribeSchema.cpp
  - MgServerDescribeSchema.ExecuteDescribeSchema line 176 file d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_30.6\mgdev\server\src\services\feature\ServerDescribeSchema.cpp
  - MgFdoConnectionManager.Open line 858 file d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0\build_30.6\mgdev\server\src\common\manager\FdoConnectionManager.cpp	An exception occurred in FDO component.
Connect failed: 

Seeing that I have +100 FeatureSources, and no idea which ones are exposed as WFS it will take half a day to find the culprit.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jbirch, 15 years ago

Kenneth, if this is still a problem, please update version to 2.1.

comment:2 by jng, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed with changes for #2005

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