Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#668 closed defect (wontfix)

cartographic stylization engine throws error with composite and line/area stylization at same zoom level

Reported by: jmanafi Owned by: waltweltonlair
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: General Version: 1.2.0
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


When using CompositeStylization along with either Line/AreaStylization to theme a layer at the same zoom level, a 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library' runtime error terminates the MapAgent.exe. The legendui.php file is the reference that causes the error, and the legend icon for the composite symbol is not displayed. Some times, when the error was thrown, loading of the map would stop unless the error was cleared off of the server.

If a layer, or single scale range, is only themed with composite rules, then the legend images show up just fine and no error is thrown.

Change History (4)

by jmanafi, 17 years ago

Attachment: SymDefTest.mgp added

test map shows error and doesn't theme both lines correctly

comment:1 by jmanafi, 17 years ago

As a bit of a workaround, we modified the legendui.templ file to load static icons instead of generating them from themes. On about line 172 in the BuildIconRequest function, we added statements to check for specific instances

  var iconRequest;
  if [condition]
    iconRequest = '../myFolder/icons/icon1.gif';
  else if [condition]
    iconRequest = '../myFolder/icons/icon2.gif';
    iconRequest = GetMapFrame().GetWebAgent() + ...

that would bypass the need to generate an image on its own.

comment:2 by waltweltonlair, 17 years ago

Owner: set to waltweltonlair
Status: newassigned

In MapGuide 1.2.0, line style support in the new cartographic engine is not 100% stable. That's why it's disabled by default. If you enable it (via the servierconfig.ini setting) you use it at your own risk.

Area style support was not implemented in MapGuide 1.2.0.

Line and area styles are correctly supported in MapGuide 2.0.0.

comment:3 by waltweltonlair, 17 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

I'm closing this ticket, as there are no plans to backport the MapGuide 2.0.0 stylization fixes into MapGuide 1.2.0.

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