Opened 17 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#608 closed defect (worksforme)

Occasional MgPremissionDeniedException

Reported by: andrewd Owned by: ksgeograf
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: Maestro Version:
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


I sometimes get problems in Maestro where I get a MgPremissionDeniedException when trying to open various things. The items in question do have some security on them - I have only 2 user names allowed to view (one as read only, and one as read/write). The read/write user is the admin user - which is what I'm logging into the server as in Maestro. If I log into Autodesk Studio, using the exact same credentials, it works as it should.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

Version: 2.0.1

Maestro sometimes recreates the session, if it detects it has timed out. This usually happens because of long times with no activity, or because the MapGuide server has restarted. I guess that could produce a situation where the first action is denied, and any subsequent actions will occur on a new session and thus be allowed.

Could such an event be involved?

comment:2 by andrewd, 17 years ago

Well, in my case yesterday, I opened Maestro - logged in - and then right away tried to open a layer. My timeout settings on the server are set quite high (over an hour) anyway, so I don't think that should be a problem. As for the server restarting, I've never had that security problem when restarting mapguide - If I'm in Maestro (and logged in) and I restart Mapguide, the moment I try to do something in Maestro it crashes. I've just never bothered to report that bug (since it's pretty minor).

comment:3 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

Status: newassigned

I cannot reproduce on my own machine and it seems periodic at yours. I will add an extensive log option to trouble shoot this issue.

comment:4 by andrewd, 17 years ago

Ok - update....I was just logged into my site (the actual website) in my browser. I logged in as the user that only has read rights (since I'm testing this site out, I'm logging in as though my end user would). Then I wanted to make a change to something, so I opened up Maestro, and logged in as Administrator. Once it logged in, my folder looked empty. I had to do a refresh to get the items to show up. Then I tried opening one of them - no luck. Permission Denied. I believe this is exactly the same thing that happened before (same order of things). It seems as though Maestro is for some reason seeing that I've already got a session open, and trying to use that instead (rather than actually logging in using the credentials I give it).

comment:5 by ksgeograf, 17 years ago

I have seen some reports that this happens in other places as well. I'm guessing that it is a security issue that has been mentioned on the mail list. If I get the error myself, I will certainly examine it, but otherwise, I'm awating a fix from the official MapGuide package before I try to solve this.

comment:6 by andrewd, 17 years ago

Ya, I read that post, and though it sounded pretty similar.

I'm guessing that you could recreate the problem if you set up a map in a library folder with, and make that folder (and it's contents) accessible only by Administrator and 1 other user. Then view the map in your browser, logging in as that other user - then try to connect to the site using Maestro - using Administrator.

comment:7 by ksgeograf, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: assignedclosed

I belive this was fixed with MapGuide 2.1, if not, please re-open.

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