Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#2381 new defect

AJAX viewer legend incorrectly displays layers with both composite and non-composite styles

Reported by: jng Owned by: jng
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: AJAX Viewer Version:
Severity: trivial Keywords:
Cc: External ID:

Description (last modified by jng) ΒΆ

If you have a layer with both composite and non-composite styles. The AJAX viewer legend will produce swatches for both.

The correct behaviour is that in such cases, only the swatch for the composite style should be produced and the non-composite one ignored.

The rendering/stylization already disregards non-composite styles if composite styles exist. The legend should behave in the same way.

This isn't major in the grand scheme of things. Such layers are technically invalid and client-side authoring tools should prevent such layers from being created.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by jng, 11 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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