Opened 12 years ago

#2209 new defect

WMS with EPSG 21781 draw wrong

Reported by: znarf1965 Owned by:
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: WMS Interface Version: 2.4.0
Severity: critical Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


There is an issue on rendering WMS on EPSG 21781. In general when using standard EPSG 4326, MGOS/AIMS they both draw well (but slow). But when using EPSG 21781, MGOS/AIMS they both draw very bad and sometimes totally wrong.

I use the following WMS for test (but I get exactly the sme result for all swiss WMS)

I prepared a simple example that shows the problem.

  • Map Library://Test/Default.epsg21781.MapDefinition draw polygons in grey. This map has original coordinate generated by Map3D
  • Map Library://Test/Default.epsg21781.MapDefinition draw polygons in grey again. This map has EPSG 21781 with WKT got from "translate" tag in OgcWmsService.config.owt
  • Map Library://Test/Default.epsg4326.MapDefinition draw polygons with right colors.

The problem is serious because there is no possibilities to read WMS with this coordinate systems and this make AIMS/MGOS not usable in many cases.

Change History (2)

by znarf1965, 12 years ago

Attachment: Test.mgp added

mapguide project

by znarf1965, 12 years ago

Attachment: OgcWmsService.config.awd added
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