Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2150 closed defect (fixed)

DataPropertyDefinition.GetDataType is case sensitive

Reported by: hm Owned by: jng
Priority: medium Milestone: Maestro-4.0-maintenance
Component: Maestro Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


When I add an Oracle Data source, then I add a new layer and when selecting the Feature Class maestro fails with a null pointer exception. Debugging the code reveals that tje DatapropertyDefinition.GetDataType fails because the xmlType attribute is "xs:unsignedbyte" but the case is for "xs:unsignedByte". I do not know if the lower case version comes from KingOracle FDO provider, MapGuide 2.4 or Maestro. I recomend to rewrite the function to be case insensitive like this:

public static DataPropertyType GetDataType(string xmlType) {

switch (xmlType.ToLower()) {

case "xs:hexbinary": case "xs:base64binary":

return DataPropertyType.Blob;

case "xs:boolean":

return DataPropertyType.Boolean;

case "fdo:byte": case "xs:byte": case "xs:unsignedbyte":

return DataPropertyType.Byte;

case "xs:date": case "xs:datetime":

return DataPropertyType.DateTime;

case "fdo:double": case "fdo:decimal": case "xs:decimal": case "xs:double":

return DataPropertyType.Double;

case "fdo:int16": case "xs:int16": case "xs:short": case "xs:unsignedshort":

return DataPropertyType.Int16;

case "fdo:int32": case "xs:int32": case "xs:integer": case "xs:negativeinteger": case "xs:nonNegativeinteger": case "xs:nonPositiveinteger": case "xs:positiveinteger": case "xs:unsignedint": case "xs:int":

return DataPropertyType.Int32;

case "fdo:int64": case "xs:int64": case "xs:long": case "xs:unsignedlong":

return DataPropertyType.Int64;

case "xs:float": case "xs:single": case "fdo:single":

return DataPropertyType.Single;

case "xs:string":

return DataPropertyType.String;

case "fdo:clob":

return DataPropertyType.Clob;


throw new ArgumentException();



Change History (1)

comment:1 by jng, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed r7129

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