Building OEM on Gentoo or any Newer Linux Distro
Using Gentoo 2006.1 fully up to date. GCC 4.1.1 and so on.
Building OEM Components in the MapGuide Distribution FIX ( files):
tar zxf mapguide-1.1.0.tar.gz
cd mapguide-1.1.0
cd /mapguide-1.1.0/Oem/DWFTK7.1/develop/global/build/gnu
Edit 3 sh files and add "libtoolize --copy --force" after the autoreconf commands to update the versions.
cd dwfcore | dwfemap | dwftoolkit
autoreconf --force
libtoolize --copy --force
#4 tile egde effects with raster layers
#1508 Maestro 3 build#4 Keyboard shortcuts do not work
#1719 Maestro 3.1 - dragging new layer group to top of list makes it disappear –
Component: |
General → Build System
Owner: |
set to trevorwekel
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
new → closed
The 1.2.0 Beta 2 installed fine on CentOS 4.4 and 4.5. I am scare to try CentOS 5 or any other newer Linux release. I would think the Linux installers should get to the point where they work with GCC 4.1 soon, right? I hope...