Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1633 closed defect (invalid)

Wrong tooltip showed

Reported by: mphaneuf Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: General Version: 2.1.0
Severity: minor Keywords: tooltip, views,
Cc: External ID:


In MGOS 2.1, we have a road layer with the name of the road as tooltip. The problem is that the wrong tooltip pop-ups when we hover a road from this layer. The tooltip that appears comes from a layer based on a view (created with joined tables) representing the owner of a parcel, which is next to the road.

As you can see on the attached PNG (where the mouse cursor is the black dot), even though my cursor in hovering a road, the tooltip that pop-upped is coming from the owner layer.

We have made some tests and this only happens with layers based on views created with joined tables.

The database is SQL Server 2008 r2.

Change History (3)

by mphaneuf, 14 years ago

Attachment: Tooltip bug.PNG added

Wrong tooltip example

comment:1 by zspitzer, 14 years ago

Is this with the AJAX Viewer?

Do you mean your are authoring off a view with databases joins? If so the view must present a Primary Key, just like a normal table, otherwise it does cause problems.

I know this can be done in Oracle (i.e create a primary key on a view) but you will need to investigate how to do this in Sql Server

In the future, please post to the mailing list before filing an issue in trac

comment:2 by jng, 12 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Views by default will probably not have an identity property, which will throw any sort of spatial query (selection/tooltip) into disarray.

Use FDO schema overrides to apply identity properties:

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