Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#1545 closed defect (fixed)

Safari 5: Session Expired message pop-up several times when Zoom in on map

Reported by: ChristineBao Owned by: Christine Bao
Priority: medium Milestone: 2.2
Component: General Version: 2.1.0
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: Jenny He External ID: 1344146


Report from Autodesk QA:

  1. Open one basic web layout by Safari 5 which "keep connection alive" is unchecked.
  2. Leave it aside for more than 20 mins ( or, you could set the session timeout as one small value maybe 30 seconds)
  3. zoom in after session time-out

One warning message pop-up. Click ok, the message popped up again. This message was popped up several times. Finally user have no choice but to kill Safari.

Expected results:
After click ok on the first warning message, it shouldn't pop-up again.
IE8 works correctly.

Workaround: N
Regression: N

Change History (4)

comment:1 by ChristineBao, 14 years ago

Priority: lowmedium

Tech diagnosis:

This defect is caused because Safari deal "Mouse Up" event different than the other browsers. When click "Ok" button in alert dialog in Safari, the "Mouse Up" event is also triggered, and then map tries to get information from server, resulting in sessioin expired exception of course, and a alert pops up.

To fix this defect, the "Mouse Up" event should not continue process if it's triggered by closing alert dialog.

by ChristineBao, 14 years ago

Attachment: Fix1545.patch added

comment:3 by ChristineBao, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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