Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#1353 closed enhancement (fixed)

Symbol Browser / Selector

Reported by: jng Owned by: jng
Priority: medium Milestone: Maestro-3.0
Component: Maestro Version:
Severity: major Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


Through some trial and error, I have discovered that we can actually inspect and view symbols from a SymbolLibrary by using the Drawing Service APIs.

SymbolLibrary resources use a DWF file (symbols.dwf) as the underlying data store, the process for enumerating symbols in a SymbolLibrary is simply:

  1. Create a temp Drawing Source pointing to this DWF file
  2. Invoke ENUMERATEDRAWINGSECTIONS on the drawing source. Each section returned represents one symbol from the symbol library.
  3. Invoke ENUMERATEDRAWINGSECTIONRESOURCES on each section of the previous result
  4. To extract the symbol image, invoke GETDRAWINGSECTIONRESOURCE on the href of the previous result whose role is "thumbnail"

Change History (3)

comment:1 by tomfukushima, 14 years ago

I'd like to give you a nice summary of how Studio does this, but after looking at the code, there is a lot of stuff going on. It looks like a .net wrapper was created around the DWF toolkit and this is used to manipulate the DWF file. Studio does not use the Drawing Service APIs to do any of this.

comment:2 by jng, 14 years ago

Fixed in maestro-2.5 sandbox r4905

comment:3 by jng, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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