Opened 16 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1022 closed defect (wontfix)

[MAPAGENT] QUERYMAPFEATURES - Error spatial operator

Reported by: lgoubet Owned by:
Priority: medium Milestone:
Component: Map Agent Version: 2.0.2
Severity: minor Keywords: QUERYMAPFEATURES, mapagent, HttpQueryMapFeatures
Cc: External ID:


If I use /mapguide2009/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=QUERYMAPFEATURES&VERSION=1.0.0&PERSIST=1&MAPNAME=MACARTE&SESSION=e4433420-ffff-ffff-8000-005056c00001_fr_7F0000010AF20AF10AF0&SEQ=0.5438243192685027&LAYERNAMES=LAYER1&GEOMETRY=CURVEPOLYGON ((985200.554430509 111930.547565891 (CIRCULARARCSEGMENT (990200.554430509 106930.547565891, 995200.554430509 111930.547565891), CIRCULARARCSEGMENT (990200.554430509 116930.547565891, 985200.554430509 111930.547565891))))&SELECTIONVARIANT=INTERSECTS&CLIENTAGENT=Ajax%20Viewer

with operator INSIDE , it doesn't work.

Is is possible to add the others spatial operators ? Or a explanation as a result for the client when the provider doesn't work ?

The code is to the line 100 in the file MGOS\Web\src\HttpHandler\HttpQueryMapFeatures.cpp(102)

Thanks you.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jbirch, 15 years ago

Please re-test against 2.1 and let us know if this is still an issue (or close if has been fixed). Will close this ticket if no response by next ticket cleanup cycle.

comment:2 by jng, 12 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Operator not supported is a self explanatory message. The reason for this subset is to ensure the greatest reach between FDO providers whose spatial operator support varies from provider to provider.

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