Opened 6 years ago

#921 new enhancement

INSPIRE ATOM Feed Client - resource identifier

Reported by: SvenLVGL Owned by: dev
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: core Version: 2.7.3
Keywords: URI, URL, resource identifier, INSPIRE, ATOM Feed Cc:

Description ΒΆ

When using the mapbender/plugins/mb_downloadFeedClient.php the resource identifier link is correct, but the shown text (an URL to the record in a registry) is shown with a # that doesn't belong there.

This can be fixed by changing the file mapbender/http/plugins/mb_downloadFeedServer.php in line 236.




identifierAnchor.text(featureCollection.features[i].properties.namespace + featureCollection.features[i].properties.code);

and the URL is shown correctly.

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