Opened 6 years ago

#919 new defect

missing group layer leads to map viewer breakdown

Reported by: SvenLVGL Owned by: dev
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: core Version:
Keywords: viewer wms layer Cc:

Description ΒΆ

Describe the bug

The entire map viewer breaks down if it tries to load WMS group layer that no longer exists.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Register an WMS in a GUI or WMC
  2. Update the WMS in a way that it replaces a group layer
  3. Open the GUI or WMC containing the missing group layer
  4. See error: map viewer fail loading any content and break down the entire browser window

Expected behavior

The viewer should still be able to function. The missing layergroup or entire WMS should be deselected, but other WMS / layers should be shown.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Opened in Chrome 75 (and other Platforms
  • Adjusted Mapbender2 Version
  • Debian 8 "Jessie"

Additional context

GUIs and WMCs should either be able to load the WMS dynamically or be updated automatically.

Change History (0)

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