Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#52 new defect

Load WMS - wrong Layer handling

Reported by: astrid_emde Owned by: astrid_emde
Priority: major Milestone: future
Component: administration Version: 2.4.1
Keywords: Load WMS Layer NAME Cc:


OGC Spec for WMS defines:

here is an getcapabilities-XML of a deegree2 WMS (it's a shame it's internal at the moment. But in july 07 we will get access)

This WMS has Layer with NO NAME

IN OGC Spec it says page 25: If, and only if, a layer has a <Name>, then it is a map layer that can be requested by using that Name in the LAYERS parameter of a GetMap request. If the layer has a Title but no Name, then that layer is only a category title for all the layers nested within. A Map Server that advertises a Layer containing a Name element shall be able to accept that Name as the value of LAYERS argument in a GetMap request and return the corresponding map. A Client shall not attempt to request a layer that has a Title but no Name.

If a Layer has NO Name Mapbender fills the name with the title and handles the layer as a grouped Layer.

But Layers without a name are only to catagoriese LAYERS but should not be handles in the getMapRequest.

What can we do to handle this WMS? At the Monent the attached WMS can't be loades in Mapbender.

JUMP for example can handle this categories

Change History (8)

by astrid_emde, 18 years ago

Attachment: getCap_layer_ohne_name.xml added

GetCapabilities request with category Titles without Name

by astrid_emde, 18 years ago

wms configuration file for WMS

comment:1 by christoph, 18 years ago

Milestone: Milestone 2.5 release

comment:2 by christoph, 17 years ago

Milestone: 2.5 release2.6 release
Priority: minormajor

comment:3 by christoph, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from uli to astrid_emde

uli does not seem to respond to tickets. If the ticket is still valid, please explain and I'll see what I can do.

comment:4 by christoph, 16 years ago


comment:5 by astrid_emde, 14 years ago

Milestone: 2.7 release2.8 release

comment:6 by kmq, 14 years ago

Milestone: 2.7.1 releasefuture
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