Opened 16 years ago
Closed 14 years ago
#316 closed task (wontfix)
Mapbender treeGDE Observations
Reported by: | astrid_emde | Owned by: | nimix |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | 2.7.1 release |
Component: | user interface | Version: | 2.5 |
Keywords: | treeGDE element_vars | Cc: |
Description ¶
This is the Text of the Mail of Mr. Schönhammer to mapbender_user-list:
Hi list,
I'm doing some tests with treeGDE2 in mB 2.5. I try to use the new feature of handling sublayers in treeGDE2. I obeserved some astonishing things. I think there are still some problems in the code. And I have some questions, using this new feature.
- Observation: switchwms = true and ficheckbox = false
======================================================= Loading a wms with grouped layers (using "WMS_LAYER_GROUP" in mapserver's mapfile) the wms itself has a checkbox for displaying all layers (switchwms). And also all layers have a checkbox. But no group of layers has a checkbox for displaying all layers of the group.
- Question:
============ I think there should be a new var called e.g. switchgroups. If this var is set to true, a checkbox should be offered for all nested groups in the wms. The old switchwms may be set to false. Isn't it ?
- Observation: switchwms = false and ficheckbox = true
======================================================= The ficheckbox is offered for all groups (and layers of course). But, if there is no switchwms also no ficheckbos should be available !
- Question
=========== I think this is a real bug. The ficheckbox should not be offered for groups, if switchwms is set to false. (Exception: A new var switchgroups will be established).
- Observation: showstatus = true
================================== If showstatus = true, the treeGDE shall visualize all wms / groups in which layers are selected. But unfortenately all groups are marked, even if there is no layer selected in this group.
- Question
=========== I think this a bug too. Isn't it ?
- Question: openfolder = x
=========================== Using the var openfolder, it ist possible to choose the folder which should be openend during initializing the tree. But, of course using grouped layers, it should be possible to open nested groups in the tree. Now only the first hirarchy may be opened.
How may I open a group during initializing the tree ?
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 16 years ago
Milestone: | 2.5.1 release → 2.6 release |
comment:2 by , 14 years ago
Milestone: | 2.7 release → 2.8 release |
comment:3 by , 14 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |