Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#229 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Mapstorer Integration

Reported by: jml Owned by: arnulf
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: tools Version: 2.4.5
Keywords: mapstorer Cc: arnulf


It would be major improvement to have mapstorer working straight together with mapbender. That way one could store, administrate and change geodata layout online and in realtime. Wouldn't that be of great use for the community?

There are several ways imaginable to realize a closer working together. I would suggest the following:

a) Write an additional mapstorer module 'export to mapbender', mostly similar to the existing 'export' function (or just use that one at the first, the paths are configurable freely already).
b) Write a mapbender module 'import from mapstorer', that could be called manually (mostly like 'Load WMS') or, even better, that is called automatically, when exporting in mapstorer.

Please keep in mind, that I personally consider current development stage of mapstorer as 'nearly ready', some debugging has to be done and sad to say the reply from the mapstorer community is low.

Also some enhancements in mapstorer would be desirable, I would like to mention them here, even if they actually are tasks for the mapstorer community.

  • enhance user management (maybe make it compatible with mapbender, single login would be marvellous).
  • enhance mapstorer to be compatible with mapserver 5.0 mapfiles (just 4.0 at the moment) and maybe add SLD support. This are likely bigger tasks though.
  • Make layers independend from mapfiles, to improve maintenance. This is maybe not-so-easy either.
  • Maybe add Multi-Lingual Support, even if I personally consider english-only (current state) as sufficient for the moment.

So, I really hope that something could be moved forward, even If the reply to my proposal has been very low so far. I consider mapstorer as a very valuable software, that could be of great use to the community, if it was usable for the designed purpose. Also I would regard it as a major enhancement of mapbender, it has the potential to fill the existing gap of administrating geodata layout via an online GUI. Why don't we use the SLD editor for xml and the mapstorer for mapfiles?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by astrid_emde, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
  • is not planned for 2009

comment:2 by astrid_emde, 8 years ago

Milestone: 3.0 release

Ticket retargeted after milestone deleted

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