Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Release/6.4.0RC4-News
- Timestamp:
- 03/12/09 14:32:11 (16 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v8 v9 20 20 ==== Major module changes ==== 21 21 22 * '''r.quantile''': Fix bug with sparse data (one value per slot); Allow calculation of 100th percentile (Glynn) 22 23 * '''''': Speed up by a third (Hamish, Glynn) 23 24 * '''v.vol.rst''': Speed up by removing unnecessary computations (Antonio Galea) … … 27 28 ==== Minor module changes ==== 28 29 30 * '''g.rename''': Make old == new check case-insensitive (Hamish) 31 * '''i.landsat.rgb''': fix mapset check (Hamish) 32 * '''r.sun''': merged pre-fork updates from old r.sun into new r.sun 33 * '''v.db.univar''': fix potential white space in path bug (Markus) 29 34 * '''v.colors''': color parameter fixed (Markus) 30 35 * '''''': allow layer '0' (needed for wxGUI) (Martin) 31 36 * ''see also [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC1-News#Minormodulechanges GRASS 6.4.0RC1], [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC2-News#Minormodulechanges RC2], and [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC3-News#Minormodulechanges RC3] release notes'' 32 37 33 38 ==== Library changes ==== 34 39 40 * GRASS startup: Use HOME as initial GISDBASE; Make new messages localisable (Maris) 35 41 * ''see also [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC1-News#Librarychanges GRASS 6.4.0RC1], [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC2-News#Librarychanges RC2], and [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC3-News#Librarychanges RC3] release notes'' 36 42 … … 42 48 43 49 * '''i.cluster''' and '''r.topmodel''' and '''`G__open_cell_old()`''': use DOS-friendly null device (Hamish) 50 * fmode and dllmain compilation issues fixed (Juergen Fischer and Glynn) 44 51 45 52 * ''see also [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC1-News#Portabilitychanges GRASS 6.4.0RC1], [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC2-News#Portabilitychanges RC2], and [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC3-News#Portabilitychanges RC3] release notes'' … … 55 62 ==== Message translation updates ==== 56 63 64 * Czech continued (Jan Trochta) 65 * French continued (Pascal Obstetar) 66 * German wxpython translation continued (Robert Nuske) 67 * Italian wxpython translation continued (Luca Delucchi) 68 * Spanish continued (Javier García and Carlos Dávila) 57 69 * Turkish wxpython translation fixed 58 70 * ''see also [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC1-News#Messagetranslationupdates GRASS 6.4.0RC1], [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC2-News#Messagetranslationupdates RC2], and [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC3-News#Messagetranslationupdates RC3] release notes'' … … 62 74 * ''see also [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC1-News#Closedtickets GRASS 6.4.0RC1], [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC2-News#Closedtickets RC2], and [wiki:Release/6.4.0RC3-News#Closedtickets RC3] release notes'' 63 75 64 * wxgui mapset access module broken (trac #479) 65 * Map Display Window position does not remember saved position settings (trac #476) 66 * wxPython profiling tool fails to detect missing numpy (trac #472) 67 * vector georect broken in wx gui (trac #470) 68 * raster data needs binary mode on windows (trac #469) 69 * crash in GPJ_grass_to_wkt() on windows (trac #468) 70 * r.le.patch crashes on long filenames (trac #416) 71 * v.out.ascii: layer=2 column output wrong (trac #495) 76 * crash in GPJ_grass_to_wkt() on windows (trac #468) (Juergen Fischer) 77 * raster data needs binary mode on windows (trac #469) (Juergen Fischer) 78 * r.le.patch crashes on long filenames (trac #416) (Hamish) 79 * r.los: bugfix in combination with raster masks (trac #111) (Benjamin Ducke) 80 * v.out.ascii: layer=2 column output wrong (trac #495) (Martin) 81 * vector georect broken in wx gui (trac #470) (Martin) 82 * Map Display Window position does not remember saved position settings (trac #476) (Martin) 83 * wxPython profiling tool fails to detect missing numpy (trac #472) (Martin) 84 * wxGUI: mapset access module broken (trac #479) (Martin) 85 * wxGUI: show error message if nviz extension is not available (Martin) 86 * wxGUI: multiple layer selection fixes (Martin) 87 * wxGUI: profile fixes: Limit total points plotted in profile module to 500 to prevent hanging with large, high resolution maps (Michael) 88 * wxGUI: quit gracefully when g.region crashes (trac #493) (Martin) 89 * wxGUI: location manager fixes (including osgeo4w #37) (Michael) 90 * wxGUI: digitizer osgeo4w patch (Juergen Fischer, trac #519) 91 * wxGUI: Fix frozen database browse window on MacOSX (Michael) 72 92 73 93 === SVN Source Code ===