Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of PSC/Roles

11/17/16 16:51:30 (8 years ago)

introduce working groups


  • PSC/Roles

    v1 v2  
    55Note: a PSC member with a certain role can also delegate another community member to share the workload
    7 Needed roles:
     7Long-term working groups:
    88 * '''treasurer'''
    99   * oversee funding model, crowdfunding and sponsoring
    1616 * '''translation manager'''
    1717   * find new translators, cleanup similar messages in source code, ...
    18  * '''education manager'''
     18 * '''education working group''':
    1919   * proactively enlarge visibility of GRASS GIS (events, press releases, articles, ...)
    2020   * make it easy to teach GRASS GIS: collect material, advertise teaching material, ...
    21  * '''press and marketing manager'''
     21 * '''academic/research working group'''
     22   * DOI, citation section in documentation
     23   * [wiki:RFC/5_Errata Errata]
     24 * '''press and marketing working group'''
    2225   * develop use cases and [ Case studies], write short articles, CMS: add user quotes on first page why people use GRASS? Refresh start page, ...
    23  * '''documentation manager'''
     26 * '''documentation working group'''
    2427   * improve manual, add more examples, screenshots, ...
    25  * '''designer'''
     28 * '''design working group'''
    2629   * prepare flyers etc.
    2730   * improve Website and fix mobile issues
     31   * style and appearance of manual, gui
    2832 * '''trac bug report manager'''
    2933   * cleanup tickets, followup with open questions, ...
    30  * '''testing manager'''
    31    * oversee the testing framework
    32  * '''GUI design manager'''
    33    * perform functionality checks
    34    * implement a toolboxes based GUI ?
     34 * '''testing working group''': Vaclav Petras, Soeren Gebbert
     35   * delegate writing tests
     36   * automated running of tests (continuous intergration)
     37   * testing framework development and maintenance
     38 * '''GUI working group''': Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras
     39   * general UI design
     40   * ensure GUI works on all platforms
     41   * GUI documentation, API
     42   * [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment wxGUI development]
     43   * transition to wxPython Phoenix and Python 3
     45Short-term working groups:
     46 * '''Python 3 working group''': Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Pietro Zambelli
     47   * provide guide to test
     48   * ensure 2.7 and 3 code compatibility (decide which Python 3 version is the target)
     49   * develop strategy for all Python components: library (scripting, pygrass, temporal), wxGUI, scripts, addons
     50   * track progress on separate wiki page