Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20210729

Aug 1, 2021, 7:09:04 AM (3 years ago)

grass b'day and psc meeting minutes


  • PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20210729

    v1 v1  
     2= PSC Meeting 2021-07-29: Celebrating GRASS 38th birthday =
     4== Participants ==
     6* Vero Andreo (PSC chair)
     7* Helena Mitasova
     8* Anna Petrasova
     9* Vaclav Petras
     10* Huidae Cho
     11* Other devs and members of the community: Soeren Gebbert, Paulo van Breugel, Caitlin Haedrich, Linda Kladivova, Milena, Jeff McKenna
     13== Agenda ==
     15The topics proposed were:
     16* Agree on a fixed date for meetings to avoid the doodle voting, eg. the first Tuesday every 3 months or so
     17* GRASS 7.8.6 release: once g.extension fix is backported, are we ready?
     18* GRASS 8 release: what is the status? can we have it out before FOSS4G?
     19* GSoC status
     20* Sponsoring: we received 2k € from, send thank you email to lists, communicate that we have opencollective
     21* Presence in social media: create weekly content, show GSoC progress, new addons
     22* RFC Python version: nothing changed from previous meeting
     23* AGM
     24* ...
     26== Minutes ==
     28* Fix a day for quarterly PSC meetings to avoid sending a doodle every time
     29  * Since we were few PSC members, we decided to send out the last doodle or email by september with options to set a fixed day and time from now on
     30* GRASS GIS 8 release schedule
     31  * we are at almost there: g.extension, t.remove,, simplify band reference management changes are merged.
     32  * we discussed new splash screen; Vero and Vaclav exchanged SVGs to try out other options combining their attempts in
     33  * temporal framework backward compatibility it is a draft PR (, we have t.upgrade and t.downgrade for the meantime
     34  * ctypesgen PR remains to be solved and merged (
     35  * integrate band reference into signatures seems to be ready to be merged too (
     36* GRASS GIS 7.8.6 release schedule
     37  * with the g.extension fix being merged, we are ready for a RC1 stage
     38  * we need to clarify what needs to be done on the server side regarding new addon's repository structure, so new addons appear online here:
     39* Sponsoring
     40  * !OpenCollective:
     41    * It is in place ( and we were granted admin rights to configure style
     42    * However, it seems it does not accept !PayPal, possibilities are only bank transfer or credit card
     43    * Helena will ask the board if that is something that can be configured by OSGeo since they are the fiscal host
     44  * Donations:
     45    * We have received ~2K euro from
     46    * It was suggested to send a "thank you" email around to all sponsors and donors, while using the chance to promote the !OpenCollective account
     47    * Once the email is out, this might be a new item to promote in social media
     48* Presence in social media
     49  * create weekly content for twitter especially
     50  * upcoming threads will cover GSoC projects, new addon by Paulo van Breugel, FOSS4G presentations and workshops
     51  * Vero will prepare these
     52* Website
     53  * Launched one year ago, and we still do not have a search engine
     54  * Nicolas Bozon does not answer emails
     55* AGM at FOSS4G 2021
     56  * While in the meeting, the GRASS slide received new content:
     57  * Vero will record the 1 minute video
     58  * she will ask for new screenshots and resources from GRASS community
     59* Binder button in PR and commits to increase testing by the community
     60  * Vaclav will investigate further, especially regarding hitting limits in GitHub
     61  * Avoid it for only manual pages changes or yaml files and such
     62* GRASS green color
     63  * We have 4 different GRASS green colors:
     64    * official color defined as RGB 0,144,0
     65    * old website according to the wiki: RGB 0,138,40
     66    * new website grass green: RGB 8,139,54
     67    * download logo from new website and check green definition: RGB 11,139,54
     68* RFC about Python version
     69  * we did not discussed this