Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of PSC/Marketing

Feb 12, 2022, 2:08:16 PM (2 years ago)

edit threads about student grants


  • PSC/Marketing

    v38 v39  
    191   '''Space-Time Dataset Visualization and Improved Interactive Maps for grass.jupyter''' (
    192   - During GSoC 2021, we created “grass.jupyter”, a package that improves the integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter with a set of functions for displaying GRASS data in Jupyter Notebooks. In its current state, “grass.jupyter” allows users to create static visuals and simple interactive maps.
    193   - In the next 2 months Caitlin (twitter handle) will be working on new additional features to allow Jupyter users to fully and easily access the power of GRASS:
     191  '''Redesigning the map display status bar combo box into a new settings dialog'''
     192  - During GSoC 2021 Linda (twitter handle) proposed and implemented a simple prototype of Single-Window GUI. It looks really cool at first glance. Still, there are some shortcomings and missing features that need to be removed/implemented to provide the Single-Window GUI layout as an optional mode in upcoming GRASS version 8.2.0.
     193  - In these couple of months, with the mentoring of Anna, Martin and Vaclav, Linda (twitter handle) will be working on the reorganization of the map display status bar towards a fully functional testable Single-Window GUI mode which addresses the map display window settings through a new dialog.
     194  - Have a look at Linda's project and progress here: and also the latest relevant PRs therein. Testing and feedback is highly appreciated. We are really looking forward for the Single-Window GUI in full swing! Thanks Linda and her mentors for such great features!
     196  '''Space-Time Dataset Visualization and Improved Interactive Maps for grass.jupyter'''
     197  - During GSoC 2021, Caitlin (twitter handle) along with her mentors, created “grass.jupyter”, a package that improves the integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter with a set of functions for displaying GRASS data in Jupyter Notebooks. In its current state, grass.jupyter allows users to create static visuals and simple interactive maps.
     198  - In these couple of months, mentored by Vaclav, helena and Stefan, Caitlin (twitter handle) will be working on new additional features to allow Jupyter users to fully and easily access the power of GRASS
     199  - Specifically, she'll be focused on:
    194200     - create a class for visualizing space time datasets allowing users to create interactive time-sliders and non-interactive animations such as GIFs
    195      - improve the integration with folium so that users can access all of its functionality by means of new grass-folium objects
    196      - create a function to display vector attribute data in nicely-formatted Pandas or GeoPandas tables
    197   - Add mentors: Vaclav, Helena, Stefan
    199   '''Redesigning a map display status bar combo box into a new settings dialog''' (
    200   - During GSoC 2021 a simple prototype of Single-Window GUI was proposed and partly implemented. It looks really good at first glance. Still, there are some shortcomings and missing features that need to be removed/implemented to provide the Single-Window GUI layout as an optional mode in upcoming GRASS version 8.2.0.
    201   - In the next 2 months Linda (twitter handle) will be working on the reorganization of the map display status bar to create the fully functional testable Single-Window GUI mode which addresses the map display window settings through a new dialog.
    202   -
    203   - Add mentors: Anna, Martin, Vaclav
    205   - In both posts call for feedback and testing
     201     - improve the integration with #folium so that users can access all of its functionality by means of new grass-folium objects
     202     - create a function to display vector attribute data in nicely-formatted #pandas or #GeoPandas tables
     203  - Have a look at Caitlin's project and progress here: and also test her contributions here:
     204  - Testing and feedback is highly appreciated. We are really looking forward for grass-jupyter in full swing! Thanks Caitlin and her mentors for such great features!