
Version 1 (modified by veroandreo, 6 years ago) ( diff )

creating the page for 76 new features

List of new features in GRASS GIS 7.6

NOTE: this page is a draft to start keeping track of the new features that will come with GRASS GIS 7.6.0

GRASS GIS 7.6 is actively developed and maintained with a first 7.6.0 stable release in January 2018. In total, it comes with more than XX fixes and improvements with respect to the previous stable releases 7.4.x. This page summarizes the manifold new features which have been added to GRASS 7.6.

Startup of GRASS GIS 7.4.0 with sample data download

What's new in a nutshell

After more than 1 year of development the new stable release GRASS GIS 7.6 is available. Efforts have concentrated on making the user experience even better, providing many new useful additional functionalities to modules and further improving the graphical user interface. Several modules were migrated from addons to the core GRASS GIS suite.


  • See list here: Release/7.4.0-News (Jan 2018)
  • The development was officially moved to a dedicated release branch on November 12, 2017 (r71701).

Graphical User Interface

GRASS GIS 7.6 graphical user interface comes with a new...

  • G7:g.gui.tplot: now allows to set labels for title, x and y axes, and to export the plotted time series data in a CSV file

Modules (commands)

A series of new modules has been added and many improved.

General modules

  • G7:g.region: new grow option to increase or decrease the region extent in all directions.

Raster modules

A new module, ...

Several other raster modules have been improved with new options, flags or parallelization support:

  • ...
  • ...

Vector modules

The already impressive list of vector functions in GRASS GIS now includes two new modules that

Several other vector modules have been significantly improved with new options, flags, fixes and other enhancements:

  • ...
  • ...

Imagery modules

  • ...

Temporal GIS modules



User Manuals - Documentation


Translations are now managed in Transifex (please join and translate messages):

User manual pages improvements

More than 130 User Manual pages have received major or minor improvements.

GRASS 7 Library changes

In the past year of development, there were several changes in different GRASS GIS libraries. The most relavant changes are described below:

  • support for PROJ 5

Source Code Portability

  • ...
  • ...

GRASS GIS 7.6 Addons

There are twenty six 26 new addons that now enlarge the already impressive list of extensions available (see

Among these new extensions there is a set of components, i.signature.* to...

New addons to download and import Sentinel-2 imagery: and i.sentinel.import

Migrating from GRASS GIS 6 to version 7.x

  • see here for changes in parameter names and changed flags
  • see here for removed modules and renamed modules
  • see here for renamed options

Attachments (10)

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