Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of Grass7/NewFeatures76

Jan 20, 2019, 7:14:05 AM (6 years ago)



  • Grass7/NewFeatures76

    v30 v31  
    3131=== General modules ===
    33  * G7:g.region: new ''grow'' option to increase or decrease the region extent in all directions.
     33The core G7:g.region module comes with a new ''grow'' option that allows to increase or decrease by a certain number of pixels the region extent in all directions.
    3535=== Raster modules ===
    37 This new GRASS GIS release comes with 2 new dedicated raster modules. The first one, G7:r.path, can be used to trace paths from different starting points following input directions, such as the outputs of G7:r.cost, G7:r.walk or G7:r.watershed. The second, G7:r.buildvrt, provides the very useful functionality of creating virtual rasters (VRT) mosaics from a list of input raster maps. This allows processing big areas while avoiding the creation of physical maps, especially useful when space is limited.
     37This new GRASS GIS release comes with 2 new dedicated raster modules. The first one, G76:r.path, can be used to trace paths from different starting points following input directions, such as the outputs of G76:r.cost, G76:r.walk or G76:r.watershed, among others. The second, G76:r.buildvrt, provides the very useful functionality of creating virtual raster (VRT) mosaics from a list of input raster maps. This allows processing big areas while avoiding the creation of physical maps, especially useful when space is limited.
    3939[screenshots here]
    41 Several other raster modules have been improved with new options, flags or parallelization support:
    42  * G7:r.proj: new pipeline option for high-accuracy reprojection
    43  * recognize different types of raster maps: "raster" (GRASS native), "reclass" (reclassification of another raster map), "GDAL-link" (GRASS link to a GDAL raster band), "virtual" (virtual mosaic of raster maps)
    44  * G7:r.mapcalc: new functions floor(), ceil() (#769)
    45  * ...
     41Several other raster modules have been improved with new options or flags:
     42 * G76:r.proj offers a new pipeline option for high-accuracy re-projection
     43 * recognizes different types of raster maps, i.e., "raster" (GRASS native), "reclass" (reclassification of another raster map), "GDAL-link" (GRASS link to a GDAL raster band), "virtual" (virtual mosaic of raster maps)
     44 * G76:r.mapcalc comes with new functions floor() and ceil()
     45 * G76:r.slope.aspect has a new -n flag to create aspect as degrees clockwise from North (azimuth) and a new -e flag to compute values at edges
     46 * now also supports the import of SRTM Water Body Data products (SWBD)
     47 * G76:r.random has a new seed option to set the seed of the RNG, making it possible to reproduce the same random pixels in different runs
     48 * G76:r.cost has a new solver option to control which direction is used in case of multiple directions with equal costs
     49 * G76:r.colors includes inferno, magma and plasma color tables as well as a new flag -d to list available rules with description (e.g. "srtm: color palette for Shuttle Radar Topography Mission elevation [range: -11000 to 8850]")
     51[screenshot here ideally]
     53Many raster modules use the new GRASS GIS API for coordinate transformation and are also ready to use PROJ.5 API if available (See Library changes section). This was a significant improvement and a great effort implemented during the OSGeo Code Sprint in Bonn.
    4755=== Vector modules ===
    5462 * now also converts !OpenStreetMap line topology to GRASS topology, inserting nodes where appropriate ([ OSM vs GRASS topology])
    5563 * G7:v.what.rast: now supports to collect statistics from multiple input raster maps.
    56  * ...
     64 * G76:v.overlay: speedup for large and complex input areas
     65 * G76:v.rast.stats: add number of NULL cells to method option, check for existence of attribute table before launching, add where option, fix #3523
     66 * add support for centroids
     67 * G76:v.buffer: use squared buffers around points when -s flag is set
    5869=== Imagery modules ===
    60  * ...
     71 * G76:i.atcorr: fixed numerical instability, added example to process Sentinel bands, added PlanetScope 0c-0d 0e 0f-10 support
     72 * G76:i.segment: fix for memory management estimation, avoid integer overflow with extremely large regions, fix writing out goodness of fit, fix writing out segment ids
    6275=== Temporal GIS modules ===
    6477 * G7:t.rast.algebra: new ''suffix'' option for map names
     78 * activate history printing
     79 * G76:t.rast.univar: added non-null cells, see #3375
    6580 * G7:g.gui.tplot: now allows to set labels for title, x and y axes, and to export the plotted time series data in a CSV file
    6784=== Scripting ===