
Version 1 (modified by neteler, 8 years ago) ( diff )


This is a DRAFT page for the future release of GRASS GIS 7.4

List of new features in GRASS GIS 7.4

AT TIME: trunk

GRASS GIS 7.4 is the version of active development with a first 7.4.0 stable release in December 2017. In total, it comes with more than XXX fixes and improvements with respect to the stable releases 7.2.x. The development was officially moved to a dedicated release branch in XXX (rXXX). This page summarizes the manifold new features which have been added to GRASS 7.4.

Startup screen of GRASS GIS 7.2.0

What's new in a nutshell

After almost XXX years of development the new stable major release GRASS GIS 7.4 is available. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. For details see below.


Graphical User Interface

GRASS GIS 7.4 graphical user interface comes with a new ....

Modules (commands)

A series of new modules has been added and many improved.

Display modules

General modules


  • G74:...


  • G74:...

Raster modules


  • ...

Raster3D modules


  • ...

Vector modules


  • ...

Temporal GIS modules




User Manuals - Documentation


GRASS 7 Library changes


Source Code Portability


GRASS GIS 7.4 Addons

More than XXX new addons are now enlarging the already impressive list of extensions available:

Attachments (12)

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