
Web-based GUI for GRASS GIS

Here should go a detailed and systematic description of possible implementations of web-based GUI for GRASS GIS as discussed for GSoC 2014 in GRASS-dev GSoC 2014: GRAS GIS Web UI (nabble, gmane).


GTK+ Broadway

Starts its own graphical session which instead of rendering on screen (as X server would do) renders HTML5.


  • No need to write any GUI code, so there is no duplication and no additional maintenance


  • Not (yet?) available for wxPython (done for GTK+, works with wxWidgets)
  • Not possible to include web technologies (WebGL), tools (e.g. IPython Notebook) and JS libraries (d3)
  • 3D view (nviz) in GUI will not work (G7:m.nviz.image might)


  • Still needs file management to be implemented.



  • Although it uses free and open source, the solution itself is proprietary (which completely disqualifies it here but it can serve as an inspiration)
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on May 17, 2014, 8:32:13 PM
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