Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of GSoC/2014/ImplementationOf3DRasterFlowLine

May 23, 2014, 2:49:41 PM (10 years ago)

week 1


  • GSoC/2014/ImplementationOf3DRasterFlowLine

    v1 v2  
    5353|| August 22 || Final evaluation deadline
    5454|| August 22 || Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google
     56'''Week 1'''
     58I discussed the implementation with mentors. Based on that I will use similar approach as implemented in VTK, which computes the flowlines by integrating the vector field. To have a first prototype quickly, I will implement it in Python using PyGRASS to write vector lines and Python scripting library ( I will write the Python code in a way which would make it easy to port to C.
     60I was looking at the VTK implementation and visualized 3D vector field data in Paraview to better understand the algorithm. Basic implementation would look like this:
     61 * input are three 3D rasters (3 components of vector field) and vector with seed points (from where the flowlines are integrated)
     62 * for each point we integrate the flowline based on the velocity field and stopping criterion (time/length)
     63  * the value of velocity field at a particular point is interpolated from the surrounding cells (voxels) probably using trilinear interpolation (which can be found in vtkVoxel class or on Wikipedia)
     64  * integration will be done with Runge-Kutta method of 2nd or 4th order.
     65   * so for example with 2nd order: first compute '''x'''(i+1) = '''x'''(i) + '''V'''(i) * delta_T and then '''x'''(i+1) = '''x'''(i) + delta_T/2 * ('''V'''(i)+ '''V'''(i+1)) where '''V''' is velocity field, '''x''' is location of point on flowline and delta_T is integration step.
     66 * output will be vector of flowlines
     68I will probably keep the code in sandbox and once it is usable, I will put it in addons