
Version 9 (modified by marcopx, 17 years ago) ( diff )


GRASS Windows Native Binary Building Guide by Marco Pasetti

develop your own GRASS modules on MS-Windows

(1) download this archive:

It is still not updated, but it's fair enough for the job.

(2) refer to this document on how to develop GRASS modules:

You don't need to build GRASS in order to build your own modules; the smartest way is to:

(2a) download and install the current WinGRASS release.

Referring to the following building guide (

(2b) execute steps 1 and 2 from that document

(2c) jump to step 24, download and extract the GRASS sources tarball (it's very important that you use the same sources as the current binary release) as suggested by the guide.

(2d) run the configure as suggested by the guide and run the "export PATH=[...]" command

(2e) run: make libs

(3) assuming that you have your own module "example.module" in C:\msys\local\src\my-grass-modules\example.module:

(3a) go to your module's source root: cd /usr/local/src/my-grass-modules/example.module

(3b) run: make MODULE_TOPDIR=/usr/local/src/grass-6.3.0 *

your own module's binaries will be built in: C:\msys\local\src\grass-6.3.0\dist.i686-pc-mingw32\bin * while the html help pages in: C:\msys\local\src\grass-6.3.0\dist.i686-pc-mingw32\docs\html *

(4) just copy the binaries and html pages to your GRASS-Install-Dir\bin and \docs\html\ respectively

  • the specific GRASS path name (..\grass-6.3.0\..) may change, depending on the current GRASS source code release
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