Opened 16 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#491 closed defect (fixed)

grass7: cannot start grass with -text and no existing .grassrc7

Reported by: mlennert Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Default Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: Cc: martin, lucadelu
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


With no .grassrc7 file, starting grass7 with the -text parameter leads to the following error:

/home/mlennert/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>/.gislock: No such file or directory
mlennert is currently running GRASS in selected mapset (file /home/mlennert/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>/.gislock found). Concurrent use not allowed.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by martin, 14 years ago

Same here; GRASS configured to install in /opt/GRASS70/:

jive: 0:03:55 ~> env | grep -i grass
jive: 0:04:02 ~> env | grep -i gis
jive: 0:04:05 ~> /opt/GRASS70/bin/grass70 -text

WELCOME TO GRASS              Version 7.0.svn         2010
Hit RETURN to continue
Starting GRASS GIS...
/home/martin/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>/.gislock: No such file or directory
FEHLER: /opt/GRASS70/grass-7.0.svn/etc/lock:
Unable to properly access "/home/martin/<UNKNOWN>/<UNKNOWN>/.gislock"
Please notify system personel.

Platform is Debian Lenny, but as far as I understand this isn't relevant in this case.

comment:2 by martin, 14 years ago

Cc: martin added

comment:3 by hamish, 14 years ago

the old interactive text forms have been removed in grass7. either pass the path to the mapset on the command line or if none is given and you've had a previous session the last session will be used if no command line args are given and GRASS_GUI: text.

of course the error checking, messages, and new text startup workflow can always be improved, you're not looking at the final product.


comment:4 by martin, 14 years ago

Ok, let me try it this way:

jive: 23:30:10 ~> /opt/GRASS70/bin/grass70 -text /home/martin/grassdata/world/PERMANENT
Hit RETURN to continue
Starting GRASS GIS...
</home/martin/grassdata/world/PERMANENT> is not a valid GRASS location

This doesn't come by surprise, since the entire $GISDBASE has yet to be created. Next try, adding "-c":

jive: 23:32:25 ~> /opt/GRASS70/bin/grass70 -c -text /home/martin/grassdata/world/PERMANENT
Hit RETURN to continue
Starting GRASS GIS...
The location <world> does not exist. Please create it first.

So, should I conclude that creating a new $GISBASE is currently impossible in 7.0 SVN trunk without using a GUI ?

Cheers, Martin.

comment:5 by lucadelu, 14 years ago

Cc: lucadelu added

I have the same problem, is any solution?

comment:6 by hcho, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This ticket is 3 years old and I tried -c and -text. Both options are working fine and I can create a new database without any problem. I think this problem has been fixed now. Also, we don't even have .grassrc7 anymore.

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