Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#3889 closed enhancement (invalid)

Add GMLAS-driver to GDAL/OGR environment.

Reported by: gisix Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Compiling Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: GDAL/OGR, GMLAS, GML Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


Hello, the GDAL/OGR environment which ships with GRASS 7.6.1 does not include the GMLAS driver, which enables superior GML/CityGML queries in comparison to the standard GML drivers. Please include GMLAS support in the next release. The GDAL build has to extended for "./configure --prefix=/home/ploewe/local/ --enable-driver-gmlas --with-xerces" (among all other flags/setting). This requires that the Xerces-C-dev package has been installed. This will enable the GRASS user community both to work with CityGML files (which are becoming crucial for projects concerning urban planning) and to filter complex GML-data-structures on the GDAL/OGR level, so we don't need to address this on the GRASS module level. E.g. complex GML providing 3D-data can be reduced to 2D prior to ingesting them with, for which we have currently no means on the level of GRASS modules.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by mmetz, 6 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Either compile GDAL/OGR from source or ask the maintainer of your Linux distro to update the GDAL package accordingly.

This is the wrong place to ask for adding the GMLAS driver to the GDAL/OGR environment.

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