Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#3865 closed defect (fixed)

i.spec.unmix: map writeout broken

Reported by: neteler Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Imagery Version: unspecified
Keywords: i.spec.unmix Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Unspecified


For unknow reasons i.spec.unmix is unable to write out the resulting maps:

GRASS (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ >

g.region raster=lsat7_2002_10 -p
nsres:      28.5
ewres:      28.5
rows:       475
cols:       527
cells:      250325

i.spec.unmix group=lsat_2002 matrix=spectrum.txt result=lsat7_2002_unmix   error=lsat7_2002_unmix_err iter=lsat7_2002_unmix_iterations
D0/0: buff: Matrix:	5 by 7
Opening input file no. 1 [lsat7_2002_10]
Opening input file no. 2 [lsat7_2002_20]
Opening input file no. 3 [lsat7_2002_30]
Opening input file no. 4 [lsat7_2002_40]
Opening input file no. 5 [lsat7_2002_50]
Opening input file no. 6 [lsat7_2002_70]
Opening input file no. 7 [lsat7_2002_80]
Opening output file [lsat7_2002_unmix.1]
Opening output file [lsat7_2002_unmix.2]
Opening output file [lsat7_2002_unmix.3]
Opening output file [lsat7_2002_unmix.4]
Opening output file [lsat7_2002_unmix.5]
Opening error file [lsat7_2002_unmix_err]
Opening iteration file [lsat7_2002_unmix_iterations]
Checking linear dependencies (orthogonality check) of Matrix A...
Angle between row 1 and row 2: 60.9753 degree
Angle between row 1 and row 3: 56.5953 degree
Angle between row 1 and row 4: 34.7591 degree
Angle between row 1 and row 5: 43.122 degree
Angle between row 2 and row 1: 60.9753 degree
Angle between row 2 and row 3: 42.7788 degree
Angle between row 2 and row 4: 35.7377 degree
Angle between row 2 and row 5: 40.2744 degree
Angle between row 3 and row 1: 56.5953 degree
Angle between row 3 and row 2: 42.7788 degree
Angle between row 3 and row 4: 32.3279 degree
Angle between row 3 and row 5: 28.9019 degree
Angle between row 4 and row 1: 34.7591 degree
Angle between row 4 and row 2: 35.7377 degree
Angle between row 4 and row 3: 32.3279 degree
Angle between row 4 and row 5: 28.552 degree
Angle between row 5 and row 1: 43.122 degree
Angle between row 5 and row 2: 40.2744 degree
Angle between row 5 and row 3: 28.9019 degree
Angle between row 5 and row 4: 28.552 degree
Spectral matrix is o.k. Proceeding...
Calculating for 475 x 527 pixels (7 bands) = 277729 pixelvectors.
ERROR: Unable to open header file for raster map

Since i.spec.unmix was ported from GRASS 5 years ago, perhaps some raster function usage is not correct?

I have attached the input matrix of endmembers for easy testing.

Ideas welcome!

Change History (4)

by neteler, 6 years ago

Attachment: spectrum.txt added

Input data for i.spec.unmix (endmember table)

comment:1 by mmetz, 6 years ago

I found the error, and some other bugs, but need some time to manually merge the fixes with recent changes to i.spec.unmix.

comment:2 by mmetz, 6 years ago

Fixed in 5c43635, together with some other bugs and improvements.

comment:3 by neteler, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Great, thanks for the massive bugfixing, much appreciated!

The error no longer occurs and maps are now written out.

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