Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#3568 closed enhancement (invalid)

g.remove: add option file as in t.remove

Reported by: veroandreo Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.6.0
Component: Default Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: g.remove, file option Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


A file parameter would be useful in G7:g.remove for the cases in which one needs to remove files that do not match a pattern. G7:t.remove has such a parameter, for example.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by veroandreo, 7 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Ops, I missed the point that the comma separated list of such files can be passed in the name option. Too used to file. Sorry...

Closing as invalid since the required functionality is already there, my bad.

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