Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3425 closed defect (fixed)

regression in -f 7.3 7 Oct (possibly earlier)

Reported by: rsbivand Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Vector Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


In 7.2.2, there was no check for GDAL version in -f. Now for -f in 7.3 and GDAL >= 2.0, long format names are returned.

Choice of best drivers in R rgrass7::readVECT() depends on predictable text output from -f.

Please add a new flag to preserve backward compatibility, so that the test at vector/ line 387 can use the older branch even if GDAL >= 2.0. This is a serious regression for users of rgrass7. If the flag is added, readVECT will again use SQLite, not ESRI_Shapefile, to which it has fallen back.

Change History (7)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by mmetz, 7 years ago

Replying to rsbivand:

In 7.2.2, there was no check for GDAL version in -f. Now for -f in 7.3 and GDAL >= 2.0, long format names are returned.

With -f, format names are returned in the form " %s (%s): %s\n". The short name is returned first.

Choice of best drivers in R rgrass7::readVECT() depends on predictable text output from -f.

As before, the driver's short name is printed first in each line. -f follows ogrinfo --formats.

Please add a new flag to preserve backward compatibility, so that the test at vector/ line 387 can use the older branch even if GDAL >= 2.0. This is a serious regression for users of rgrass7. If the flag is added, readVECT will again use SQLite, not ESRI_Shapefile, to which it has fallen back.

Is rgrass7 not using the first item printed by -f?

comment:2 by rsbivand, 7 years ago

rgdal::ogrDrivers[,1] is:

> ogrDrivers()[,1]
 [1] "AeronavFAA"     "AmigoCloud"     "ARCGEN"         "AVCBin"        
 [5] "AVCE00"         "BNA"            "CAD"            "Carto"         
 [9] "Cloudant"       "CouchDB"        "CSV"            "CSW"           
[13] "DGN"            "DXF"            "EDIGEO"         "ElasticSearch" 
[17] "ESRI Shapefile" "Geoconcept"     "GeoJSON"        "Geomedia"      
[21] "GeoRSS"         "GFT"            "GML"            "GMLAS"         
[25] "GPKG"           "GPSBabel"       "GPSTrackMaker"  "GPX"           
[29] "HTF"            "HTTP"           "Idrisi"         "Interlis 1"    
[33] "Interlis 2"     "JML"            "KML"            "MapInfo File"  
[37] "Memory"         "MSSQLSpatial"   "NAS"            "netCDF"        
[41] "ODBC"           "ODS"            "OGR_GMT"        "OGR_PDS"       
[45] "OGR_SDTS"       "OGR_VRT"        "OpenAir"        "OpenFileGDB"   
[49] "OSM"            "PCIDSK"         "PDF"            "PGDUMP"        
[53] "PGeo"           "PLSCENES"       "PostgreSQL"     "REC"           
[57] "S57"            "SEGUKOOA"       "SEGY"           "Selafin"       
[61] "SQLite"         "SUA"            "SVG"            "SXF"           
[65] "TIGER"          "UK .NTF"        "VDV"            "VFK"           
[69] "Walk"           "WAsP"           "WFS"            "XLS"           
[73] "XLSX"           "XPlane"        

from (rgdal/src/ogrdrivers.cpp) line 71:

      SET_STRING_ELT(VECTOR_ELT(ans, 0), i,

In 7.2.2, the matches work in rgrass7:::.read_vect_non_plugin, line 80 in rgrass7/R/vect_link.R:

    ogrD <- rgdal::ogrDrivers()
    ogrDw <- gsub(" ", "_", ogrD$name[ogrD$write])
# guess GRASS v.out.ogr capability from rgdal
    ogrDGRASS <- execGRASS("", flags=ifelse(ignore.stderr, c("f",
                           "quiet"), "f"), intern=TRUE,
    ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, ": "), "[", 2))
    candDrivers <- gsub(" ", "_", sort(intersect(ogrDGRASSs, ogrDw)))

In 7.3, ogrDGRASSs is:

Browse[2]> sort(ogrDGRASSs)
 [1] "Aeronav_FAA"                                                  
 [2] "AmigoCloud"                                                   
 [3] "Arc/Info_Binary_Coverage"                                     
 [4] "Arc/Info_E00_(ASCII)_Coverage"                                
 [5] "Arc/Info_Generate"                                            
 [6] "Atlas_BNA"                                                    
 [7] "AutoCAD_Driver"                                               
 [8] "AutoCAD_DXF"                                                  
 [9] "Carto"                                                        
[10] "Cloudant_/_CouchDB"                                           
[11] "Comma_Separated_Value_(.csv)"                                 
[12] "CouchDB_/_GeoCouch"                                           
[13] "Czech_Cadastral_Exchange_Data_Format"                         
[14] "Elastic_Search"                                               
[15] "EPIInfo_.REC_"                                                
[16] "ESRI_FileGDB"                                                 
[17] "ESRI_Personal_GeoDatabase"                                    
[18] "ESRI_Shapefile"                                               
[19] "French_EDIGEO_exchange_format"                                
[20] "Geoconcept"                                                   
[21] "Geography_Markup_Language_(GML)"                              
[22] "Geography_Markup_Language_(GML)_driven_by_application_schemas"
[63] "SEG-Y"                                                        
[64] "Selafin"                                                      
[65] "SQLite_/_Spatialite"                                          
[66] "Storage_and_eXchange_Format"                                  
[67] "Tim_Newport-Peace's_Special_Use_Airspace_Format"              
[68] "U.S._Census_TIGER/Line"                                       

from vector/ line 404

	    fprintf(stdout, " %s (%s): %s\n",
		    pszRWFlag, GDALGetDriverLongName(hDriver));

where GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver) calls GDALDriver *>(hDriver)->GetDescription(), which looks like my poDriver->GetDescription(). I can't see why the string values differ for the same GDAL.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by mmetz, 7 years ago

Replying to rsbivand:

rgdal::ogrDrivers[,1] is:

> ogrDrivers()[,1]
 [1] "AeronavFAA"     "AmigoCloud"     "ARCGEN"         "AVCBin"        


In 7.3, ogrDGRASSs is:

Browse[2]> sort(ogrDGRASSs)
 [1] "Aeronav_FAA"                                                  
 [2] "AmigoCloud"                                                   
 [3] "Arc/Info_Binary_Coverage"                                     
 [4] "Arc/Info_E00_(ASCII)_Coverage"                                

in 7.3, -f is

 AeronavFAA (ro): Aeronav FAA
 AmigoCloud (rw+): AmigoCloud
 ARCGEN (ro): Arc/Info Generate
 AVCBin (ro): Arc/Info Binary Coverage

from vector/ line 404

	    fprintf(stdout, " %s (%s): %s\n",
		    pszRWFlag, GDALGetDriverLongName(hDriver));

where GDALGetDriverShortName(hDriver) calls GDALDriver *>(hDriver)->GetDescription(), which looks like my poDriver->GetDescription(). I can't see why the string values differ for the same GDAL.

The string values do not differ for the same GDAL. You need to use the short name. With gdalinfo --formats, ogrinfo --formats, -f, the first item is (was always) the short name.

comment:4 by rsbivand, 7 years ago

The specific problems are "GML" and "SQLite", which are shown as different above: "GML" and "SQLite" in rgdal, but "Geography_Markup_Language_(GML)" and "SQLite_/_Spatialite" in GDAL >= 2.0 in -f. The rgdal ogrDrivers() output is structured so as not to vary by GDAL version for the same driver, even though the implementation varies. I'm in the C++ API, you are in the C API, but that shouldn't matter.

This is the root of the problem, see thread starting at

I can try to condition on GRASS version to work around the string regression, but would prefer not to have to.

comment:5 by rsbivand, 7 years ago

Regression resolved with revision 61:

    gv <- unname(read.dcf(textConnection(gsub("=", ":", 
      execGRASS("g.version", flags="g", intern=TRUE))))[1,1])
    if (gv < "7.3") {
      ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, ": "), "[", 2))
    } else {
      strs <- sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, ": "), "[", 1)
      ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", gsub(" $", "",
        substring(strs, 2, nchar(strs)-5)))

comment:6 by rsbivand, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I've made the changes in rgrass7, but would have prefered the format of -f (and others taking -f) to be predictable - these changes are just aethetic, so not needed.

in reply to:  5 comment:7 by mmetz, 7 years ago

Replying to rsbivand:

Regression resolved with revision 61:

    gv <- unname(read.dcf(textConnection(gsub("=", ":", 
      execGRASS("g.version", flags="g", intern=TRUE))))[1,1])
    if (gv < "7.3") {
      ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, ": "), "[", 2))
    } else {
      strs <- sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, ": "), "[", 1)
      ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", gsub(" $", "",
        substring(strs, 2, nchar(strs)-5)))

Why not

      ogrDGRASSs <- gsub(" ", "_", trimws(sapply(strsplit(ogrDGRASS, " [(]"), "[", 1)))

which works with all versions?

This would also work with -f. The outputs of -f and -f already have the same structure (also in GRASS 7.2), independent of the GDAL version used.

Starting with GDAL 2.0, the outputs of gdalinfo --formats and ogrinfo --formats also have the same structure.

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