Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#3167 closed defect (fixed)

db.connect: connection to remote database does not work

Reported by: mlennert Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: blocker Milestone: 7.0.5
Component: Database Version: unspecified
Keywords: postgresql db.connect Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


In a freshly compiled 70release:

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass
grass70 -c /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass"
> db.tables -p
DBMI-PostgreSQL erreur de pilote :
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

DBMI-PostgreSQL erreur de pilote :
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

ERREUR :Unable to open database


> g.copy vect=boundary_county,bc
Copy vector <boundary_county@PERMANENT> to current mapset as <bc>
DBMI-PostgreSQL driver error:
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

DBMI-PostgreSQL driver error:
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

WARNING: Unable to open database
         <host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass> by driver
no database is open
no database is open
WARNING: Unable to copy table <bc>
WARNING: Unable to copy table <boundary_county> for layer 1 from
         <boundary_county@PERMANENT> to <bc>


> psql -h myRemoteServer -l | grep testgrass
 testgrass              | mlennert    | UTF8      | C       | C     | 

Change History (32)

comment:1 by mlennert, 9 years ago

g.gisenv set=DEBUG=3
db.tables -p
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): db.tables
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D1/3: db_d_init_error(): PostgreSQL
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: login file does not exist
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): driver=pg database definition = 'host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass'
D3/3: parse_conn: 'host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass'
D3/3: token 0 : host=myRemoteServer
D3/3: token 1 : dbname=testgrass
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: login file does not exist
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): host = (null), port = (null), options = (null), tty = (null), dbname = testgrass, user = (null), password = (null) schema = (null)
db.login driver=pg database=host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass
db.tables -pD1/3: G_set_program_name(): db.tables
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D1/3: db_d_init_error(): PostgreSQL
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: ret = 2 : drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass] usr=[] pwd=[] host=[], port=[]
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): driver=pg database definition = 'host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass'
D3/3: parse_conn: 'host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass'
D3/3: token 0 : host=myRemoteServer
D3/3: token 1 : dbname=testgrass
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: ret = 2 : drv=[pg] db=[host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass] usr=[] pwd=[] host=[], port=[]
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): host = (null), port = (null), options = (null), tty = (null), dbname = testgrass, user = (null), password = (null) schema = (null)

So the host name gets lost somewhere on the way.

in reply to:  description ; comment:2 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass
grass70 -c /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass"

did you tried

db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass
db.login driver=pg database=testgrass host=myRemoteServer

? Martin

Last edited 9 years ago by martinl (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass
grass70 -c /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass"

did you tried

db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass
db.login driver=pg database=testgrass host=myRemoteServer

Doesn't work:

rm .grass7/dblogin
db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass
db.login driver=pg database=testgrass host=myRemoteServer
db.tables -p
DBMI-PostgreSQL erreur de pilote :
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

DBMI-PostgreSQL erreur de pilote :
Connection failed.
FATAL:  la base de données « testgrass » n'existe pas

ERREUR :Unable to open database <testgrass>

and with DEBUG=3

D1/3: G_set_program_name(): db.tables
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D2/3: dbDbmscap(): opendir [/data/home/mlennert/SRC/GRASS/grass70_release/dist.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/driver/db/]
D1/3: db_d_init_error(): PostgreSQL
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: ret = 2 : drv=[pg] db=[testgrass] usr=[] pwd=[] host=[], port=[]
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): driver=pg database definition = 'testgrass'
D3/3: parse_conn: 'testgrass'
D3/3: db_get_login(): drv=[pg] db=[testgrass]
D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: ret = 2 : drv=[pg] db=[testgrass] usr=[] pwd=[] host=[], port=[]
D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): host = (null), port = (null), options = (null), tty = (null), dbname = testgrass, user = (null), password = (null) schema = (null)

in reply to:  2 ; comment:4 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass
grass70 -c /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass"

did you tried

db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass
db.login driver=pg database=testgrass host=myRemoteServer

And if this is how it is supposed to be done, then we need to change the man page.

It just seems a bit redundant to have to indicate driver and database twice...

comment:5 by mlennert, 9 years ago

The VAR file in the mapset contains this:

DB_DATABASE: testgrass

i.e. no info about the host. Is this normal ?

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

The VAR file in the mapset contains this:

DB_DATABASE: testgrass

i.e. no info about the host. Is this normal ?

Replying to myself: this is when I use db.connect without 'host=' in the database string. When I use 'host=', I get:

DB_DRIVER: pg DB_DATABASE: host=myRemoteHost,dbname=testgrass

in reply to:  4 comment:7 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass
grass70 -c /data/GRASS/DATA7/nc_spm_08/postgres_test
db.connect driver=pg database="host=myRemoteServer,dbname=testgrass"

did you tried

db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass
db.login driver=pg database=testgrass host=myRemoteServer

I just noticed that the first sentence with the most important information is missing:

Yes, I tried, but it didn't make a difference. Exact same error as before and DEBUG=3 gives me:

D3/3: db_driver_open_database(): host = (null), port = (null), options = (null), tty = (null), dbname = testgrass, user = (null), password = (null) schema = (null)

And if this is how it is supposed to be done, then we need to change the man page.

It just seems a bit redundant to have to indicate driver and database twice...

comment:8 by mlennert, 9 years ago

BTW: I get the same errors in trunk.

comment:9 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Getting closer:

The issue seems to be in the reading of the dblogin file.

My file contains;


But the debug message show:

D3/3: read_file(): DB login file = </home/mlennert/.grass7/dblogin>
D3/3: ret = 2 : drv=[pg] db=[testgrass] usr=[] pwd=[] host=[], port=[]

Looking at the sscanf call that reads the data from the file (in lib/db/dbmi_base/login.c, line 118, I see:

        ret = sscanf(buf, "%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^|]|%[^\n]",
                     dr, db, usr, pwd, host, port);

Somehow this doesn't seem to read the line as it should...

comment:10 by mlennert, 9 years ago

The issue arises when some of the fields are empty, as for usr and pwd in my example. Anything from that point on is ignored. When I set a username and password with db.login, my db.tables example works like a charm.

See here for a discussion of the issue. Would using strtok be an alternative, here ? Or better yet: G_tokenize() ?

by mlennert, 9 years ago

Attachment: dbmi_base_login.diff added

very crude patch to show path to solution

in reply to:  10 ; comment:11 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

The issue arises when some of the fields are empty, as for usr and pwd in my example. Anything from that point on is ignored. When I set a username and password with db.login, my db.tables example works like a charm.

See here for a discussion of the issue. Would using strtok be an alternative, here ? Or better yet: G_tokenize() ?

I've attached a proof-of-concept patch that solves the problem for me, but it hardcodes the number of tokens. I don't know what forms login strings can potentially take, so this definitely needs to be revised to take into account different scenarios.

comment:12 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Another issue linked to the wxGUI (reported by Stefan Lüdtke - I can confirm):

"If everything is in db.login, I can connect to the db (as reported earlier) and list tables. However I can neither link nor import them because they are not listed in the gui box."

I can see the database in the list, but once I select it, no tables are listed.

Using input="PG:dbname=testgrass host=myRemoteServer" layer=boundary_county out=bc

I can import a layer, but not using input="PG:dbname=testgrass" layer=boundary_county out=bc

I imagine does not take into account the .grass7/dblogin file.

comment:13 by mlennert, 9 years ago

One question about the new db.connect + db.login combination: if host information is stored in .grass7/dblogin file indexed by database, how does the system deal with two databases of the same name on two different hosts ?

in reply to:  11 ; comment:14 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

I've attached a proof-of-concept patch that solves the problem for me, but it hardcodes the number of tokens. I don't know what forms login strings can potentially take, so this definitely needs to be revised to take into account different scenarios.

Please review attachment:dbmi_base_login2.diff

by martinl, 9 years ago

Attachment: dbmi_base_login2.diff added

in reply to:  14 ; comment:15 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

I've attached a proof-of-concept patch that solves the problem for me, but it hardcodes the number of tokens. I don't know what forms login strings can potentially take, so this definitely needs to be revised to take into account different scenarios.

Please review attachment:dbmi_base_login2.diff

Seems to work nicely, and much more elegant than my hack, thanks !

in reply to:  13 comment:16 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

One question about the new db.connect + db.login combination: if host information is stored in .grass7/dblogin file indexed by database, how does the system deal with two databases of the same name on two different hosts ?

Currently it's not possible, items in the file are indexed by driver/database. Probably we could disable indexing at all. Please fill new ticket for that.

in reply to:  15 comment:17 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

I've attached a proof-of-concept patch that solves the problem for me, but it hardcodes the number of tokens. I don't know what forms login strings can potentially take, so this definitely needs to be revised to take into account different scenarios.

Please review attachment:dbmi_base_login2.diff

Seems to work nicely, and much more elegant than my hack, thanks !

P.S. Someone should probably check for mysql or other db backends, or ?

comment:18 by martinl, 9 years ago

In 69597:

db.connect: connection to remote database does not work (see #3167)

comment:19 by martinl, 9 years ago

In 69598:

db.connect: connection to remote database does not work (see #3167)

(relbr72: merge r69597 from trunk)

in reply to:  18 ; comment:20 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

In 69597:

db.connect: connection to remote database does not work (see #3167)

FYI: I applied the patch to grass70_release and it seems to work perfectly there as well.

in reply to:  12 ; comment:21 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Another issue linked to the wxGUI (reported by Stefan Lüdtke - I can confirm):

"If everything is in db.login, I can connect to the db (as reported earlier) and list tables. However I can neither link nor import them because they are not listed in the gui box."

I can see the database in the list, but once I select it, no tables are listed.

Using input="PG:dbname=testgrass host=myRemoteServer" layer=boundary_county out=bc

I can import a layer, but not using input="PG:dbname=testgrass" layer=boundary_county out=bc

I imagine does not take into account the .grass7/dblogin file.

In grass70_release/vector/, I see (line 359-60):

    if (driver_name && strcmp(driver_name, "pg") == 0 &&
        G_strcasecmp(param.dsn->answer, "PG:") == 0) {

Two questions:

  • Why does the default driver have to be "pg", here ? We should import from postgres, whatever the default driver.
  • Unless I misunderstand how G_strcasecmp works, G_strcasecmp(param.dsn->answer, "PG:") will never be 0 (it would be only in the case that param.dsn->answer = 'PG:', but that should never be the case). So, IIUC, the condition is never met and whatever we would like to add to the dsn in terms of username, passwd, host, etc will never be added.

If I skip the condition check (but obviously the 'PG:' check is needed), and I add something like this to main.c:

--- main.c	(révision 69596)
+++ main.c	(copie de travail)
@@ -382,6 +382,10 @@
                 strcat(dsn, " passwd=");
                 strcat(dsn, conn.password);
+            if (conn.hostName) {
+                strcat(dsn, " host=");
+                strcat(dsn, conn.hostName);
+            }
             /* TODO: host/port... */
         else { imports a layer from the database on a remote server if the login info is correct.

comment:22 by martinl, 9 years ago

In 69599:

db.connect: connection to remote database does not work (see #3167)

(relbr72: merge r69597 from trunk)

in reply to:  20 ; comment:23 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

FYI: I applied the patch to grass70_release and it seems to work perfectly there as well.

Thanks for testing, patch applied in all active branches (r69597-r69599)

in reply to:  21 comment:24 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

If I skip the condition check (but obviously the 'PG:' check is needed), and I add something like this to main.c:

Make sense to me to skip default driver check.

--- main.c	(révision 69596)
+++ main.c	(copie de travail)
@@ -382,6 +382,10 @@
                 strcat(dsn, " passwd=");
                 strcat(dsn, conn.password);
+            if (conn.hostName) {
+                strcat(dsn, " host=");
+                strcat(dsn, conn.hostName);
+            }
             /* TODO: host/port... */
         else {

Then I would add also a port item.

in reply to:  23 ; comment:25 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Thanks for testing, patch applied in all active branches (r69597-r69599)

What is missing to downgrade priority at least and don't block 7.0.5 release?

in reply to:  25 ; comment:26 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Replying to martinl:

Thanks for testing, patch applied in all active branches (r69597-r69599)

What is missing to downgrade priority at least and don't block 7.0.5 release?

There is a fundamental issue about importing data from remote server using See #comment:21 on part of the details. But looking into the code, I see even more weirdness: for some reason, only looks at the default database of a pg db.connect-defined connection. I have no idea, why. should import whatever data is available, even from other databases.

Example (after disabling the condition check mentioned above):

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass2
db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass2
db.login host=myRemoteHost
db.tables -p

Everything works, no tables shown. But then: input="PG:dbname=testgrass" layer=boundary_county out=bc

with testgrass defined in .grass7/dblogin as


I get (with DEBUG=1)

D1/1: G_set_program_name():
D1/1: Using dsn=PG:dbname=testgrass2 host=myRemoteServer
ERREUR :Layer <boundary_county> not available
D1/1: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv

i.e. it automatically tries to get the table from testgrass2, not testgrass.

This comes from the fact that the name of the database is read as such:

dbname = db_get_default_database_name();

Instead of trying to read the database from the dsn string...

In other words, it seems that importing data from a remote database in needs to be done using a complete dsn string, even if db.login was called. And that this will only work on the command line, not in the import wizard. Do you confirm ?

I guess we could call this a "known limitation" and just release as is, as it would need a substantial rewrite which I would like to avoid just before a release, but it is confusing to users. So maybe some hint about this in the import wizard ?

in reply to:  26 ; comment:27 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Example (after disabling the condition check mentioned above):

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass2
db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass2
db.login host=myRemoteHost
db.tables -p

Everything works, no tables shown. But then:

OK, so it means that DB is empty, right?

D1/1: G_set_program_name():
D1/1: Using dsn=PG:dbname=testgrass2 host=myRemoteServer
ERREUR :Layer <boundary_county> not available
D1/1: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv

I do not understand - DB is empty, so why do you expect that will not fail?

comment:28 by martinl, 9 years ago

I tested settings bellow:

db.connect -p 
driver: sqlite
database: /opt/grassdata/pgtest/pg/sqlite/sqlite.db

db.login -p

The commands bellow works in GRASS 73/72/70:

db.tables dri=pg data=grassremote | grep staty
ruian.staty works in GRASS 73/72: in=PG:dbname=grassremote layer=ruian.staty out=staty --o

in GRASS 70 it fails with

ERROR 1: PQconnectdb failed.
FATAL:  database "grassremote" does not exist

ERROR: Unable to open data source <PG:dbname=grassremote>

See r67510, hard to backport. In GRASS70 you can still do in="PG:dbname=grassremote host=myserver" layer=ruian.staty out=staty --o

which works.

in reply to:  27 comment:29 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to martinl:

Replying to mlennert:

Example (after disabling the condition check mentioned above):

createdb -h myRemoteServer testgrass2
db.connect driver=pg database=testgrass2
db.login host=myRemoteHost
db.tables -p

Everything works, no tables shown. But then:

OK, so it means that DB is empty, right?

Yes, the database I want to use as attribute backend.

D1/1: G_set_program_name():
D1/1: Using dsn=PG:dbname=testgrass2 host=myRemoteServer
ERREUR :Layer <boundary_county> not available
D1/1: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv

I do not understand - DB is empty, so why do you expect that will not fail?

Because my call to was input="PG:dbname=testgrass" layer=boundary_county out=bc

i.e. trying to get a layer in db 'testgrass' and import it into my GISDBASE, storing the attributes into my database testgrass2. I.e. (as you note yourself in your next post here), without a complete dsn string (i.e. containing host, etc) will try to connect to the current default attribute backend database, not the one you actually provide on the command line.

in reply to:  28 comment:30 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Replying to martinl: in=PG:dbname=grassremote layer=ruian.staty out=staty --o

in GRASS 70 it fails with

ERROR 1: PQconnectdb failed.
FATAL:  database "grassremote" does not exist

ERROR: Unable to open data source <PG:dbname=grassremote>

See r67510, hard to backport. In GRASS70 you can still do in="PG:dbname=grassremote host=myserver" layer=ruian.staty out=staty --o

which works.

Yes, and as I said before, I agree that trying to solve this issue is too heavy the day before a release. So, let's just call this a 'known issue' and tell people that they can use the complete dsn string in a command line as a work-around.

This is especially annoying for those that depend on the GUI wizards for import, but let's hope that it will be one more motivating element to switch to 7.2 as soon as it comes out (although I haven't tested 7.2 with the GUI wizard, yet).

So, I'm closing this as fixed as the original issue is solved, and we'll just have to accept that 7.0 treatment of databases is imperfect.

Thanks for going through all this with me !

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