Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2209 closed defect (fixed)

r.ros fails with -s flag with invalid descriptor error

Reported by: wenzeslaus Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: minor Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Raster Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Linux


Steps provided with sample fire simulation data ( fails for GRASS 7 (trunk).

When G7:r.ros is used with -s flag it reports ERROR: Invalid descriptor: somenumber:

r.ros -s model=fuel_model moisture_1h=1hour_moisture  moisture_live=live_moisture velocity=wind_speed direction=wind_direction slope=slope aspect=aspect elevation=elevation output=my_ros
ERROR: Invalid descriptor: 11

I'm in demomapset. All output maps are created (my_ros.base, my_ros.max, ...) including my_ros.spotdist and I can run G7:r.spread.

It works without -s flag:

r.ros model=fuel_model moisture_1h=1hour_moisture
moisture_live=live_moisture velocity=wind_speed
direction=wind_direction slope=slope aspect=aspect elevation=elevation

It seems that the error goes from source:grass/trunk/lib/raster/close.c:

$ grep -Irn "Invalid descriptor" .
./lib/raster/close.c:74:    G_fatal_error(_("Invalid descriptor: %d"), fd);
./lib/raster/close.c:107:    G_fatal_error(_("Invalid descriptor: %d"), fd);

Rewritten from the discussion at grass-dev: Testing sample fire simulation data in GRASS 7 (nabble, gmane).

Change History (2)

comment:1 by neteler, 11 years ago

One issue hopefully fixed in r59219 (backported in r59217 and r59218).

comment:2 by wenzeslaus, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks and wow, I expected something more complicated then repeated line.

It works now. Tested with

r.ros -s model=fuel_model moisture_1h=1hour_moisture  moisture_live=live_moisture velocity=wind_speed direction=wind_direction slope=slope aspect=aspect elevation=elevation output=my_ros --verbose
r.spread -s max=my_ros.max base=my_ros.base dir=my_ros.maxdir spot_dist=my_ros.spotdist w_speed=wind_speed f_mois=1hour_moisture start=fire_origin lag=95 backdrop=image_burned output=my_spread x_output=my_spread.x y_output=my_spread.y

with sample fire simulation data ( in trunk.

No error message obtained. Maps generated.

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