Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1517 reopened defect

'DateTime' not handled by

Reported by: grasslandtom Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.6
Component: Database Version: 6.4.2 RCs
Keywords:, DateTime, TIMESTAMP Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Unspecified


steps to reproduce:

_ create a table in PostGIS-database 'test':

create table test (id INT, datetime TIMESTAMP);
SELECT addgeometrycolumn('test', 'the_geom', 4030, 'POINT', 2);
insert into test values (1, '2001-01-01 00:12:00', st_setsrid(ST_point(12, 50), 4030));

_ import in GRASS: dsn='PG:dbname=test' out=test layer='test(the_geom)' location=new_test

This raises the error

DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NAME processing 'datetime'
in statement:
create table test (cat integer, datetime datetime, id integer)
Error in db_execute_immediate()

When the location is connected to PostGIS:

_ import in GRASS -o dsn='PG:dbname=test' out=test_out layer='test(the_geom)'

raises the error

DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot execute: 
create table test_out (cat integer, datetime datetime, id integer)
FEHLER:  Typ »datetime« existiert nicht
LINE 1: create table test_out (cat integer, datetime datetime, id in...

(Sorry for the German error message. This one seems to come from the PostgreSQL Server which was running before I set the respective environment variables)

When the location is connected to SQLite, the import works without a warning respective to DateTime but

db.columns test_out


WARNING: SQLite driver: unable to parse decltype: datetime
WARNING: SQLite driver: unable to parse decltype: datetime
WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'datetime', SQLite type 3 is not supported

Note that

ogrinfo 'PG:dbname=test' 'test(the_geom)'

gives in the last lines

datetime: DateTime (0.0)
id: Integer (0.0)
  datetime (DateTime) = 2001/01/01  0:12:00
  id (Integer) = 1
  POINT (12 50)

Thus, DateTime seems to exist in OGR. Though the SQL data type is TIMESTAMP.

Change History (3)

in reply to:  description ; comment:1 by neteler, 13 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Replying to grasslandtom: ...

This raises the error

DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NAME processing 'datetime'
in statement:
create table test (cat integer, datetime datetime, id integer)
Error in db_execute_immediate()

You cannot use a reserved SQL word as column name. 'datetime' is reserved...

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by grasslandtom, 13 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

Replying to neteler:

Replying to grasslandtom: ...

This raises the error

DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NAME processing 'datetime'
in statement:
create table test (cat integer, datetime datetime, id integer)
Error in db_execute_immediate()

You cannot use a reserved SQL word as column name. 'datetime' is reserved...

Obviously not for PostgreSQL. Otherwise the first line in the first code block could not work. As a reference:

Further in PostgreSQL:

alter table test rename datetime to something;

then in GRASS: dsn='PG:dbname=gs_gk_workspace' out=test layer='test(the_geom)' location=new_test


DBMI-DBF driver error:
SQL parser error: syntax error, unexpected NAME processing 'datetime'
in statement:
create table test (cat integer, something datetime, id integer)
Error in db_execute_immediate()

Here it's obviously not the column name, but the data type, that causes trouble.

comment:3 by neteler, 8 years ago

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