Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#1282 new enhancement

WinGrass using

Reported by: hellik Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.6
Component: Packaging Version: svn-releasebranch64
Keywords: wingrass Cc:
CPU: Unspecified Platform: MSWindows Vista


taken from

On 22/02/2011 01:45, Glynn Clements wrote:
> However, this particular issue isn't a programming issue, but a
> packaging issue. If you want to use Python for scripting GRASS on
> Windows, the best solution is to delete the bundled version of Python
> 2.5 from the GRASS installation, install Python and the required
> add-ons (wxPython, NumPy, PyWin32) from their official installers,
> then edit the GRASS start-up script to remove any references to the
> bundled version.

One year ago or so Colin sent me an adapted nsis-wingrass-installer-script with a first
attempt to use a instead of a bundled osgeo4w-python.

I hope that I can find this script, so I can make this available for further development. 
maybe this would be a good starting point for the GRASS-hackfest in Prague in May 2011.

best regards

p.s. BTW I have a lot of different python-version on my WinVista-laptop bundled with Inkscape, ArcGIS10, OpenOffice, etc. ... so I'm often surprised
that all this python-installations are working ...

I have the nsis-script, but unfortunately not anymore the related mail.

best regards Helmut

Attachments (1)

Installer-Colin_wo_Python.nsi (40.7 KB ) - added by hellik 14 years ago.
Installer without Python

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by hellik, 14 years ago

Installer without Python

comment:1 by hellik, 14 years ago

Keywords: wingrass added

comment:2 by hamish, 12 years ago

Hi, any new ideas on this? Change %GRASS_PYTHON% in GRASS's env.bat as needed?

comment:3 by hamish, 12 years ago


Change %GRASS_PYTHON% in GRASS's env.bat as needed?

change of GRASS_PYTHON from "python" to "%GISBASE%/etc/extrabin/python.exe" now applied in relbr64 and devbr6 to avoid the reported version mis-match startup problems with wxGUI and Python 2.7.2.

The GRASS+Msys startup method for wingrass continues to have $GRASS_PYTHON = "python" as per, so dependent on the $PATH. We'll have to watch what happens there.

It seems to work in devbr6 for .py scripts called from the GUI, hopefully "GRASS_PYTHON" is always launched instead of "python" so it will avoid another installed version somewhere in the %PATH%. There are a couple .py scripts and addons-- I assume on Wingrass the shebang is always ignored? How about when called from msys?

This recent change is in basic disagreement with the thesis of this particular bug report, so... I guess we'll see how it goes.

Anyone running custom .py addon scripts on Windows + GRASS 6.x are asked to check if they still work.

thanks, Hamish

comment:4 by neteler, 9 years ago

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