Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#1036 closed defect

GeomDifference with Overlay turned on goes into infinite look in PostGIS ST_WrapX — at Version 1

Reported by: robe Owned by: geos-devel@…
Priority: blocker Milestone: 3.9.0
Component: Default Version: main
Severity: Unassigned Keywords:

Description (last modified by robe)

This is related to Which after much input has been determined to be an issue with the new GEOS 3.9 overlay logic.

The crashing example in PostGIS

SELECT ST_WrapX('LINESTRING(-11.1111111 70,70 -11.1111111)'::geometry, 20.1,20.1);

Related IRC discussion

15:30:30	Algunenano:	ReginaObe[m]: WrapX uses split by line, which uses GEOSUnion
15:30:39	Algunenano:	Maybe it's that?
15:30:57	ReginaObe[m]:	ah Algunenano so I guess we got to update the docs too to reflect it uses GEOS
15:31:14	ReginaObe[m]:	who would have thunk it :)
15:31:37	PaulRamsey[m]:	you have a winner, it crashed for me too
15:31:42	ReginaObe[m]:	Paul Ramsey: well that's a crasher
15:33:19	PaulRamsey[m]:	It does eventually call GEOSDifference
15:33:28	PaulRamsey[m]:	after 25000 frames of recursion?
15:33:41	PaulRamsey[m]:	I mean, something non-geos broken in there?
15:33:48	PaulRamsey[m]:	weird
15:36:20	PaulRamsey[m]:	probably in ` split = lwgeom_split(geom_in, blade);`
15:36:34	Algunenano:	It looks like an infinite loop. Has the geometry type changed? Maybe line -> multiline?
15:38:35	Algunenano:	It seems that, for some reason, lwgeom_split_wrapx calls lwcollection_wrapx over the result, so it it returns a multiline (with a single line) it might be going to infinity and beyond
15:39:34	PaulRamsey[m]:	yeah, not sure why it tries to wrap the components of the split...
15:39:50	PaulRamsey[m]:	but if the components were slightly shifted, like enough to hit the blade again
15:39:57	PaulRamsey[m]:	it would split over and over and over
15:45:54	ReginaObe[m]:	Hmm ST_Split also doesn't note dependency on GEOS
15:46:09	ReginaObe[m]:	which version of GEOS are required for these
15:46:35	PaulRamsey[m]:	it uses difference, so pretty much all of them
15:47:06	PaulRamsey[m]:	once martin implements a splitter over the new overlay all the splitting code can get simpler and more reliable.. right now it's a hack on difference
15:49:35	PaulRamsey[m]:	found it, @algunano
15:49:35	PaulRamsey[m]:	found it, @algunano

select st_astext(st_difference('LINESTRING(-11.1111111 70,70 -11.1111111)'::geometry, 'LINESTRING (20.1 90, 20.1 -90)'::geometry));
 LINESTRING(-11.1111111 70,20.1 38.7888889,70 -11.1111111)
(1 row)

From related PostGIS ticket

The lwgeom_split_wrapx function expects a split (which under the covers is a difference of a line away from an input) to return a collection, which it then iterates on. Instead we hand it a unitary object... which it then goes and tries to split again. Hence the infinite recursion. We need probably the old behaviour back, so that a GEOS 3.9 install doesn't break older software.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by robe, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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