Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#7 new task

Specify coordinates for point and general vertex positioning

Reported by: yvesm Owned by: yvesm
Priority: major Milestone: Future
Component: widgets Version: 0.7
Keywords: editing, import Cc:


Users have requested the possibility to fill in a simple form where they could put coordinate values for points that they either want to add (new feature) or edit. It should also be possible to add either a line or a polygon by punching in coordinates rather than clicking, that is *individual vertices* coordinates (presumably coming from some GPS or total surveying station) can be typed in by the user .

NOTE : If creating a line or polygon using coordinates is to be supported, it should be possible for the user to provide a CSV file (one line per coordinate pair) for GeoPrisma to shove in; else, it could be that a user draws his new feature using the mouse and then edits the vertices in "text" mode.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by yvesm, 15 years ago

Component: widgets -- editfeaturewidgets

comment:3 by yvesm, 15 years ago

From the original ticket (Jira) :

Discussion with the customer revealed the following course of action :

Devise a "Create new feature [geometry] with coordinates" (feature = point, line or polygon; user specified in the GUI) widget that would provide a first X,Y couple for the user to punch in for the first vertex; then the GUI would show "Add vertex" or "Stop" options.

The vertices should be in an Ext grid; selecting a line in the grid should allow for an "insert vertex before/after" and a delete vertex; both options would be enabled upon selecting a line in the grid; that same functionality would be used in an "Edit feature [geometry] by coordinates"

Interesting enhancements :

  • allow CSV import of vertices (CSV or WKT or GeoJSON ??)

comment:4 by yvesm, 15 years ago

Milestone: First milestone

comment:5 by adube, 13 years ago

Keywords: editing import added
Milestone: First milestoneFuture
Type: defecttask
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