Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#41 new enhancement

Button for deleting a feature

Reported by: yvesm Owned by: adube
Priority: trivial Milestone: Future
Component: widgets Version:
Keywords: delete Cc:


Deleting is the only editing operation in OpenLayers that we must use the keyboard for. It makes for a little UI asymmetry : people don't press "insert" to add a new feature (they have a button) yet they must use the keyboard to delete.

There seems to be a commonality between selecting a feature for editing or deleting (or splitting or merging). In the split and merge example [1], there are explicit buttons for *selecting* either a feature to split or features to merge. So either we make selection of an object an explicit separate step in all our editing widgetry (add and edit don't work that way now), or we align the delete button behaviour on the edit/add : when clicking on the delete button, the next action selects the feature and prompts for delete (and maybe we could keep a history of deleted features in a "basket" layer that an undo could be used on, one day ...) instead of simply selecting a feature and waiting for the user to press "del". That way, we would have the standard editing functionnality (CUD) in "select and act" mode and more complex editing (like merging and splitting) in "select first then do XYZ" mode.


Change History (1)

comment:1 by adube, 13 years ago

Milestone: Future
Priority: majortrivial
Type: defectenhancement

Is this still needed ?

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