Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#166 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add a way to share document

Reported by: jlacroix Owned by: jlacroix
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: widgets Version:
Keywords: Cc:


We should have a way to share any kind of document through GeoPrisma. GeoPrisma is an access control tool so it's the right tool so we could add a document or file service type.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by jlacroix, 14 years ago

Status: newassigned

The plan is to include a file browser UI component based on an Ext.ux called FileTreePanel and a server side component to control access to file/directory on disc.

The FileTreePanel information is located at:

For the Ext3.x support I will use the folllowing implementation:

The server side part would require a new service type (file) and a new Proxy part for this. The new proxy should support a bunch of operation (delete, rename, etc), but will only support get (get list of file) and download for now.

comment:2 by jlacroix, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Ok I will commit and mark this ticket as FIXED even though it has been open for only 87 minutes. If you have any question or comment (you probably will), feel free to reopen this ticket or open a new one to discuss the new service.

Marking as FIXED
r909 and r910

comment:3 by adube, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

There are a couple things left to do :

  • support the 'drawWidgets' method
  • do the widget documentation
  • have options for the widget instead of hardcoded ones
  • have default options for the widget
  • i18n : auto-load the according translation file using current locale value
  • i18n : add 'title' to the translation files (using getText)

comment:4 by adube, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

r912, featuring :

  • widget no longer needs to be linked to a resource. It now needs a 'servicename' mandatory option instead to link to a specific file service (pretty much like what the GeoExtPrintForm widget does with the MapFishPrintService).
  • full support of the 'drawWidgets' method to render the widget
  • widget complete documentation
  • the widget now have default options instead of hardcoded ones, and you can set any option the original Ext.ux widget supports (see in doc)
  • i18n : auto-loads the widget 'fr_FR' when 'fr_CA' is set
  • i18n : translation files (using getText) added
  • supported by PGSQLMapContextConfig driver (tested)
  • phpCodeSniffer various corrections made
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