Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#150 closed task (fixed)

UnselectAll widget

Reported by: adube Owned by: adube
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: widgets Version:
Keywords: Cc:


New widget to unselect all features of all vector layers on the map. Should also triggers a "custom" event to allow "user-custom" unselection as well.

Attachments (1)

patch-geoprisma-150-r888-A0.diff (10.7 KB ) - added by adube 14 years ago.
Patch featuring the new "UnselectAll?" widget

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by adube, 14 years ago

Status: newassigned

by adube, 14 years ago

Patch featuring the new "UnselectAll?" widget

comment:2 by yvesm, 14 years ago

Hi Alexandre,

Thanx for this patch. I was thinking the behaviour would be to add a temporary vector layer for the case "No vector layer". City, no highlight WMS workspace zooms in on the city, but there's nothing that shows the city location. That may be a valid use case, but what we're looking for really is to add a temp vector layer and then be able to unselect the features at will (ticket 151, which I'll be looking at soon). The problem we had is that we wanted to avoid to create a vector layer to show a few features. That could be done with a WMS layer, buth then we wouldn't be able to get rid of the layer.

Also, I was wondering if in the database you use there are multiple geometries ? If we had the Québec parks we would have Parc Frontenac which should be represented as at least 2 polygons because there's a lake in between the 3 park sections, but I see the layer you use seems to have only one polygon per park. At any rate if you happen to have multiple geometries in one of the records, that would show that highlighting applies to all geometries.

comment:3 by yvesm, 14 years ago

OK. I see now that the cross (highlight WMS cities) is drawn on a temporary vector layer that can be cleaned. For some reason the button didn't show in the toolbar the first time I loaded the example (must have been a cache in my browser). The only thing now is that the no highlight wms cities example should show a single point feature that we could clean with the button, IMO.

comment:4 by yvesm, 14 years ago

Just wondering : if we are drawing a temporary layer with just a few features, why not just toggle on/off the layer ? My feeling is that people may want to show the feature again (a kind of CTRL-Z). Deleting altogether is rougher. Or maybe a toggle option in the unselectall widget ?

Do I see correctly that the unselectall widget on the workspace=wms2&id=410 example in fact deletes the red cross altogether ? I would expect unhighlighting to let the feature there and just change its appearance. The more I think about it the more I believe we need to always have some sort of feature marker since the essence of an initialview widget is to zoom in on a feature at a specified zoom level. Otherwise it's like a Shortcut in behaviour.

comment:5 by adube, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

r890, featuring the new widget. It was also added in the PGSQLMapContextConfig widget list.

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