
Version 7 (modified by ticheler, 16 years ago) ( diff )


The following table shows GeoNetwork harvesting tests. The goal of these tests is to improve GeoNetwork's cross-platform interoperability. These results do not mean that the servers tested are not interoperable. Instead, they are showing that the combination of the GeoNetwork harvesting mechanism with the specified server and version have problems to interoperate. Those problems could be both in client-side (GeoNetwork harvesting) or in server side, and need to be fixed for the sake of the users community, and to help building connected SDIs.

ServerGN version and buildHarvestingGetCapabilities URLSoftwareDoes harvest work?ErrorCSW versionComments
Spanish SDI2.2 build r1291CSW server does not support GET requests; GeoNetwork is using GET for the GetCapabilities request2.0.0Basic web client:
BAFG - Germany2.2 build r1291CSWSOAP service, cannot be accessed from GeoNetwork harvestingCustom-SOAPNoThis Server only supports SOAP, direct requests such as GetCapabilities are not available???WSDL (Axis):
ICC (Spain)2.2 build r1291CSW is null???
Diputación A Coruña (Spain)2.2 build r1291CSW server does not support GET requests; GeoNetwork is using GET for the GetCapabilities request???
SANDRE2.2 build r1291 CSW 2.2 built locally (based on a 2.2RC2)Yes 2.0.1
Dutch Space Agency2.2 build r1291CSW (Developed by them)Yes 2.0.1
LAITS - George Manson University (USA)2.2 build r1291CSW problem: GetRecordById operation missing2.0.0
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada2.2 build r1291CSW "Raised exception when searching"2.0.0
Italian G-SDI node2.2 build r1291CSW problem: "GetRecords" operation missing2.0.2This is because GeoNetwork is sensitive to upper-lower case. Capabilities in this node has the operations getRecords, getRecordById (with the first “g” lower-case)
ESRI demo2.2 build r1291CSW x.yNoGeoNetwork: "Raised exception when searching"2.0.2
Demo deegree2.2 build r1291CSW 2.1NoGeoNetwork: "Raised exception when searching"2.0.0
AWCUBED2.2 build r1291CSW 2.2Yes 2.0.2
AWCUBED2.2 build r1291GeoNetworkhost: , port: 8080 , servlet: geonetworkGeoNetwork 2.2Yes Direct !GeoNetwork harvesting
NASA2.2 build r1291CSW NoGeoNetwork: "Raised exception when searching"2.0.2
INSPIRE2.2 build r1291CSW "Raised exception when searching"2.0.0
GEOSS2.2 build r1291CSW Manson UniversityNoCapabilities problem: GetRecordById operation missing2.0.2
Geospatial One Stop (USA Government)2.2 build r1291CSW ArcIMS 9.1NoGeoNetwork: "Raised exception when searching"2.0.0
Slovakia enviroInfo2.2 build r1291CSW "Raised exception when searching"2.0.2
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